Pigeon Bulletin Board?

Here after 4th gruel feeding it's going much faster! He sucked down 2oz, maybe 60mls in less than a minute - I made him stop 3x to take a breath. Didn't even cover himself in food dribbles.
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Did you ever think you would be bottle feeding a baby pigeon?
Good job mom!
The glove method looks like very natural. The video method I'm sure works well also. I think they are somewhat older squabs there. (production feeding:gig) Soon you will be able to place food in dish and water in container, and junior will feed himself.
I think this one will make a special bond with you since you are the source of food for him. :love
The negligent hens are laying again while I'm still raising their first baby.:barnie Anybody think I should NOT give them fake eggs??:lol:
The negligent hens are laying again while I'm still raising their first baby.:barnie Anybody think I should NOT give them fake eggs??:lol:
View attachment 1402494
I would not let them raise any until they pair up with a male only. You read the previous posts about how/where they abandon the young and leave the rest of raising to papa. No papa, Junior goes hungry before he can feed himself,,,, :hit
Are their eggs even fertile at this laying.???
Maybe you could separate them and have a male take the vacant position... :idunno
I would not let them raise any until they pair up with a male only. You read the previous posts about how/where they abandon the young and leave the rest of raising to papa. No papa, Junior goes hungry before he can feed himself,,,, :hit
Are their eggs even fertile at this laying.???
Maybe you could separate them and have a male take the vacant position... :idunno
I was glad to learn from this video that after 12 days they only need 1 or 2 feeds a day.

Apparently my adult birds are 2 cocks and 6 hens! No wonder I have hens pairing up. I took 3 of their 4 eggs and can't decide if I'll let them try to raise the last one again.
Meanwhile - update - # 731 is coming along ...:fl he will start feeding himself soon. That is if I can get him away from youtube.

This was clearly my fault.:oops:
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That is if I can get him away from youtube. :thumbsup
Now you know how raising kids (not baby goats):gig is.
BTW,,,,, how close are you to loft flying the young squabs???
ETA not this junior, but some of those others.
I've got 2 I'm itching to let out soon, if only to hang close by at first. They are 35 days old today and have been doing the flying practice - up on tip toe with vigorous wing flaps. Thhey have been in through the bob wires at least 4 times. They are very tame with me. Think they are ready? Wish I could risk letting dad out with them because he is very protective but there are 2 more of his eggs to consider. Maybe this Sat??

ETA i just finished banding 3, so within a month i hope 3 more will be ready to go.:)

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