Pigeon Bulletin Board?

I did not bother but it would make the nest material that much drier which in turn will keep your squabs that much cleaner.
I think it is a good idea.
I did not drill any holes ether since I would have to use a special Diamond Core Drill. (mine were ceramic dishes) I think the holes are placed there in THEORY. In reality, pigeons do not pee. They do defecate, but the the moist goo will not drain thru those holes. To counteract the soiling issue, just add some more hay/grass/or whatever bedding into bowl to absorb the goodies. Plastic is easy to make holes in, but I do not see much advantage in those holes. JMO.
I think I found your pigeons clone, or twin. :gig

035 (2).JPG

This one on the very bottom of pix.:)
This is what I use as my computer monitor Wallpaper. It is same place as my #191 posting, but probably about 40 years earlier. DD found the negative online (Ebay) from someone somewhere in Europe. Sent to lab to have developed as well as made into a digital copy.
View attachment 1269451
Wow! where is that??:eek:

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