Pigeon Lofts (share pics)

so far you are
Heres mine just a simple 2 X 4 frame and horse stall.
Their inside area is a 12 foot by 12 foot stall with hardware cloth front and window in back with an walk in door and and outside door for their run.

Their run is 12 foot wide by 30 foot long. They have many perches, Bird bath, and shade. also have to finish the run in hardware cloth. But thats still a work in progress.

Birds really enjoy it. I can even leave the big walk in door open and they won't even come out. The inside area is concreted so I put down shavings every other week or so.









I don't have pics but I can discribe my old one... 8' longx4'deep raised 2' with 1/2 hardware cloth on the front 30" and the back 18" was enclosed and partisioned with 3/8" ply. Front, sides and 4 equal partisions were 1" chicken wire. it had 6"x6" hook&eye latch doors on the front and box of each section. The roof was galv. corigated roofing at 1/8 grade back being 2' in the front. I took out one of the partisions after I desided to use it for pigeons and for all the wood being recycled concrete forms it did me well for about 5 years and about 2 dozen auction mutts, mixed up rollers, ferals, and 1 fantail over that time. P.S. did you know pigeon sh!t will melt the ground and makes milo grow like mad? (The hutch legs sunk in the ground then got some termites in the bottom 6" or so, earning the hutch a trip to the county dump.)

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