PIP PIP..................mostly dry Lola pics added pg. 10

LOL! your the best influence there is cuz your just like the rest of us!

i just look again and nothing still wiggling some, i don't think these eggs aren't going to pip till day 20 like my last hatch

hatching is killer to the body.. i only get like 3 maybe 4 hours of sleep..yesterday i was so tired that when i got in my car i started getting mad cuz the car wouldn't start till i notice i was turning the key the wrong way LOL my brian isn't working right...

well i'm off to bed the sun is coming up but i'll prolly be back up in 3 or 4 hours again checking on the eggs lol i'll jump up outta my sleep like OMG I MISSED THE HTACH! and run to the bator to find nothing

LOL talk to you later Good night/Morning
Wow, can't believe you stayed up that late!
Any news yet??

So luv, how many BLRW do you have hatched now? Can we see some more pics, please?

You're a great help with them! I think you are right, concerning the colors. I think "splash" ones are just the lighter BLRWs.
Oh my.....I fell asleep without even knowing it! Didn't realize I was even gone until I heard a kid waking up an hour or so ago.

So, Birdboy....when you get up let us know how things are going with your stubborn eggs!!! LOL

I ended up with 4 very adorable and healthy BLRW and the 1 BTWJ. I will get some pics of them all in a bit and see if my image host site is working better today. None of the 4 EE's are out yet. I opened them all up a bit before I dozed off since they had massive air cells (taking up at least half the egg space) I knew they probably wouldn't be able to. All 4 are moving and chirping so they are alive. One has a very obviously crossed beak.....stressing over that right now. Not really sure what I should do.

Well, all of my BLRW appear pretty light. I don't have any that look like they could be very dark. I think the last one to hatch is the lightest. I will see when I get them ready for pics.
They are adorable, for sure!!!
Oh goodness, your little chick is sooooo cute! How do you know when something is pipping??? I have a hen which started out with 8 eggs and now down to 1, which I don't have a spot to put her away from the other flocks and they broke her eggs. I have one egg under her and noticed some spots in the egg that look like it's fixing to thin out or I really don't know how to describe it, but you can see some round tiny spots that look thinner than the rest of the egg. Is that what it looks like?
Sorry your little broody lost most of her eggs. I hope this little guy hatches out alright for her. When they pip you will see an obvious broken spot that pushes out in the middle. However, sometimes they do it where it is hard to see and it is easy to miss. Keep us updated on how it goes.
I'll keep you updated. She's supposed to hatch that egg the 1st weekend of July.

By the way, my Brown Danish Leghorn, Miss Cluck Clucker laid her very 1st little bitty egg yesterday. I was soo excited to see that little tiny white egg!!!
Awwwww!!!! Congrats on the egg.
The first eggs always just about make me cry.
It is such an exciting thing! You shouldn't see any kind of activity from the egg until just about time to hatch, so you have a few more days to wait, yet.
OMG i think I love the little banty! Now I really want some.

OK birdboy - my eggs are teasing also. I will hear that scratchy noise and go look but don't see any moving! I'm betting its the egg we named Reptar. We have had nothing but thunderstorms since last night. Lost power for a split second and I had a heart attack. Then we lost internet for some reason. This morning its a major thunderboomer and I keep praying that we don't loose power. Lots of lightning and big old trees around here don't mix well.

Birdboy - did you set your eggs on the 7th?
LOL....you will have to let me know what it is.
My boys are wanting her to have a really nice Japenese name and I have NO ideas!!!!

She really is adorable. Seems so tiny next to the "big" babies. She wants to cuddle them all the time, too. If they lay down she goes over and stuffs her head underneath them. I don't think she actually knows she is smaller so it must be just a personality thing. Every one of these guys is very sweet. Well, except maybe Lola!!!! LOL She likes to try and bully everyone else!!! Oh I love her so much!!! The little brat!!!

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