Pipd's Peeps!

She is a sweetie, when she's not being a sassy little fuzzball! šŸ¤­ She is still without a prolapse this morning, but she's acting like she's going to lay an egg today, so we'll see what happens after that. :fl
And the egg is out with no prolapse! :eek: I'm... not really sure what to make of this!

I guess if she's fine by tomorrow morning, I'll send her back out. Hopefully it hasn't been so long that she'll need to be integrated into her group again. :fl
Axel headed to his new home this morning, where he'll have ten ladies all to himself. :love It sounds like his new owners are excited to have a rooster in their flock and he'll have a good life there. šŸ˜Š

Also, miss Dandelion has remained prolapse-free, so I'll be putting her back outside today once it warms up a tiny bit! We got a frost overnight and it's chilly, so I don't want to just dump her out there yet. šŸ¤£ Hopefully things stay in place and Zinni and Myrtle aren't too wicked when she returns. :rolleyes:
The babies got a brooder upgrade today! We're ditching the baby bin and going to the big dog crate brooder now, complete with super scary really fun baby perch! Still on a towel for the time being, but they'll switch over to shavings once I figure out a system to keep them from spilling all their food into it. šŸ˜Š Our little naked neck baby is already discovering the joys of emptying feed onto the ground and not eating it, so something to keep it out of the bedding is a must.


Very unhappy Cochin baby... and NN baby is just gonna eat. šŸ¤£


They've adjusted fine to the new EcoGlow (now that their brooder has the space for it), too! Not that I figured they would have any trouble with that, of course. This thing is pretty big compared to the other ones, but not quite as big as the above picture of the full brooder makes it seem! I don't regret getting the larger one, but I think I'll invest in a smaller one as well at some point, for cases like this brood when I don't really need all that heater space and because this big one doesn't fit in the baby bin. šŸ˜Š My old ones aren't functioning as well as they should anymore, anyway, so they should probably be retired. I've had a couple instances where the one they were under before just shut off and I had to unplug and plug it back in to convince it to warm them again. Thankfully, it only happened those couple times in the first few days of it running, and when I've been awake and around to hear them peeping from being too cold.

...Anyway... Baby booties šŸ¤£

Well, Dandy prolapsed again last night. šŸ˜” And she was prolapsed this morning as well. I've noticed that she's losing weight, too, as her breastbone is protruding more than it had been before. Man, this is tough. I've got some things to think about.
Axel headed to his new home this morning, where he'll have ten ladies all to himself. :love It sounds like his new owners are excited to have a rooster in their flock and he'll have a good life there. šŸ˜Š

Also, miss Dandelion has remained prolapse-free, so I'll be putting her back outside today once it warms up a tiny bit! We got a frost overnight and it's chilly, so I don't want to just dump her out there yet. šŸ¤£ Hopefully things stay in place and Zinni and Myrtle aren't too wicked when she returns. :rolleyes:
I'm trying to find a home for my 3. So far I'm just getting texts asking questions that I have posted. šŸ˜†

Good to hear about Dandelion!
Aww, that's okay! She was looking really good for a bit there up until that last post. Prolapsed again this morning, though. šŸ™

Sorry you haven't had any luck with selling your boys! It took an age before someone even responded about Axel, and then I had two people wanting him, and the first one stopped responding and then sent a message through again after I'd already moved on to the second person and sent Axel on his way with them, so that was fun. šŸ˜¬ At least they didn't cuss me out or something. Anyway, I haven't heard from anyone wanting the English Orpington boys and it seems like I had a lot more luck in the fall, so maybe it's just the time of year. Hopefully the right people will come around soon for all of our birds. :fl
One person texted at 11 pm. When I didn't answer, they then texted, "hello?" Like I was ignoring them. Um, I go to bed at 9:30 to get up at 5 am. :rolleyes: So, in the morning after 8 am, I texted to answer their question and I said that I was busy and would text around noon if they had other questions. So, they texted and called me continually. I've got them on ignore. I'm just not putting up with weirdness.
I mean I put up with and probably dish enough weirdness, but this is creepy.
The last time I posted the drakes someone texted me and asked a lot of questions. Then, said oh I'm just researching for later. :confused:
Also, one person on FB msg me about price saying they had lots of room for all 3. I'm asking $10 ea and if they take all 3, I would take $25. They respond saying they don't have a job and their SO is laid off. :he
Basically they were asking me to give them to them. Which I have considered just offering them for free. But, my question is if they have "lots of room", then they plan on keeping them not eating - soooooooo how do they intend on feeding them with no $?
I have also considered having them processed, but I'm not sure I could eat the ducks because I like them and really except for taking up room and eating my feed, they're not that much of a bother. The rooster though .... ha. He's as good as chicken noodle soup. šŸ˜†
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Yikes to all of that. šŸ˜¬ I decided not to put my number down on my ad and I have it so that people can contact me through email, which seems to filter out most of that weirdness. I do think I probably miss out on some interest because of that, though, so it's a tradeoff.

I had someone kind of similar to your lots of room person ask about Buzz last fall. They also had lots of room and would build a coop for him--red flag! I wanted him to go to a new home, but I didn't want him to go somewhere where he'd just be murdered by predators the first night! Turns out, they had never even had chickens before and they didn't have the first clue what they needed for them, they just wanted him now. Luckily, someone else offered to take the rest of my birds if I discounted them as a group and I was happy to do so. I'm sure most or all of them ended up in the freezer in that deal, but at least someone found some use for them in that case.

I'm the same way about my sweet English Orp boys as you are with your ducks, though, and I kinda don't want them to end up in anyone's freezer, so I did set their price a bit high, $25 each. I just lowered it to $20 a couple days ago, but I don't feel great about it and I think I'll push it back up to $25 the next time I renew. I don't necessarily want or need that much money for them and will probably knock it down anyway if anyone asks, I just want to scare off anyone who's only looking for roosters to process for food. Those big boys deserve a good home!

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