PIPPAGE!!! Button Quail :)

Aww. I have bobwhites due tomorrow I think. I hope they hatch.
kaya's farm :

I just love buttons what type of housing do they need?
I dont think pippin could be more adorable!!

In most cases they need to be housed indoors unless in a warmer enviroment or willing to make some precuations to have them outside during winter. If you're willing to house them indoors, they can be suitable living in a fish tank type enclosure to a rabbit cage OR even a cool homemade set up.

Either way the big priority is the fact that when spooked they will jump stright up in the air and flap like crazy...and in doing so, can critically injure themselves if their enclosure has a hard roof.

They're adorable and fun. I have two adults (keeping them outdoors hoping they will do well this winter with keeping drafts out and plenty places to stay warm- they are ina lage rabbit hutch). The adults were imprinted on other birds so they are not friendly at all, very terrfiied of me.

Pippin, well....he thinks my hand is his mama..soo...lol.​
Hey thanks for the size comp pics, wow they sure are small. The look on that lil' one is great, good job capturing that shot!

I can see were they are hard to handle, the eggs, that is. How thin is the shell? It must be like paper.

Good luck
with the rest to
the egg shell isn't actually that delicate. That was my exact worry when I picked up the eggs at teh breeders house. I was like "im terrified to write on them wont i bust through the shell?" and they both looked at me and goes 'noo, you wouldnt believe how strong those shells are" they were right lol!

and thank you!


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