Pipping and Cheeping and Hatching O' My! Pics & Final Update

Okay, so I am absolutely taking and posting pictures tonight, I was going to take them this morning and upload before I left for work, but I accidentally turned off the alarm this morning at 5am when my daughter woke up after a bad dream so had NO time.

But when that happened, I popped over to check on the kids, and what do I find? Besides the 3 we had moved over to the brood box before bed, and the 1 who we had left in the incubator to dry some more, another 8 had hatched during the night! There was this puddle of chicks just curled up together in the incubator!!!

By this morning when I was rushing around, another had hatched (bringing the total up to 14 hatched!!), they are mostly black/dark with white mottling, though one has a pretty buff and red and black mottled thing going on (as I said, there will be pics tonight)..

I am so absolutely in love with the goofballs, they are SO cute!! The 3 who were in the broodbox over night are doing great, very loud and curious (and CUTE!! Did I mention cute??

Now my hubby is home with the kids while I'm in the office *pout*.. Lucky bugger.
I'm actually just glad that someone is home with them, I love Tiger (my kitty) but I don't trust his furry tush as far as I can kick it (and he's a fat cat)... We actually locked him in the bathroom last night, just so he didn't play the "paw in the brood box" game and scare the chicks. So yeah, that's really the only update I can give until tonight, when there will be pictures, YEAH!

(!!14 have hatched, that still boggles my mind!!)
I can just see it now, "Hey Boss, I'm calling in CHICKENS! Gotta go home.. I'll be back when, uhm, never, I'm gonna stay home and play with my chickens!"


That's because I haven't posted any yet, tonight when I get home though I will remedy that..
Another hatched shortly after I got home, 2 have zipped and will be out shortly, and the last 4 eggs still show no signs of movement, but we'll see what happens over the next few days. But all in all 18 healthy hatches, 1 screwed up candling experiment, 1 hatch that didn't make it, and 4 no-hatches is a pretty good hatch rate for first time incubators.
Go us!

And Pics!



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