Planting Vines for shade

What about Clematis tangutica? It is a perennial not an annual, and will not grow as rampantly the first year while it gets its feet set. (It will still grow decently the first year, as long as you buy a reasonable size healthy plant and plant it properly -- clematis like their roots COOL, which can be achieved by covering the sunny side of the earth they're planted in with a very large rock or 2' square paver slab). After that, whoa stand back... but it will not go bonkers like some things will (hops, trumpet creeper, climbing hydrangea etc). Pretty little yellow flowers most of the summer, followed by neat puffy seedpods that last all winter. You can keep it pruned back if it gets too large. Not as far as I know toxic.

Don't know if you can get it in California or not, but I have a Texas wisteria growing on my coop. It is supposed to be evergreen, but will lose it leaves in a hard freeze. Comes back though.
I love wisteria and grapes would be awesome as well... I'm just worried that they vines will be too heavy for the chicken wire. I don't want the plants to pull apart the fencing! Eeek.

I'll look into clematis and thurbergia (sp?). I was wondering if anyone knows if Mandevella is toxic? I have a deep red one growing by my front door... may make a nice addition to a coop.

Here is just one LINK to a non-poisonous plant site that I have been on lately ....

the SITE was made for cats in our yards (what affects cats) .... but thought I would / could believe it for my chick (?).

STAR JASMINE grows FAST FAST FAST in Santa Clarita (I'm in the same town as the Sixs Flaggs Magic Mountain Theme Park .... just north of Granada Hills)..... and on the many poisonous / non-poisonous plant sites that I've browsed thru lately, STAR JASMINE is said to be NOT poisonous (we drink jasmine tea) ...... It smells soooo beautiful in the spring .... you could find one or two right now at Home Depot for a great price ..... and it grows soooo fast (did I mention that already!?)

Mine is actually taking over an area of my yard, so I'll have to either cut it right back or yank it completely from that particular area.

I thought I saw WISTERIA on a POISONOUS plant site ..... I took note, because I LOVE Wisteria, too !

Hope this helps,

Because of the weather, perennial vines will grow really quickly. I have fruit trees that put on about 8' of growth each year. The best time to plant the perennials that have been mentioned is generally in the fall. The roots will grow in the still warm soil, and when spring comes.... look out!

All of these perennial vines would look terrific. Grapes would be an added bonus. (Unless they ferment in the hot sun, and the chickens imbibe! lol ) But I'm afraid the vines will all get too heavy for the coop. We have one wisteria in Sierra Madre that was planted in 1894, and is an attraction in the spring when she blooms. I'm attaching photos of my rose crawling around the carport.

You may want an annual plant, so the hens can get sunlight during the winter and shade in the summer.


hmmm..... the smaller sized photo has been cropped! But you still get the idea, I think.
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Thanks so much, Pat!

Planting all veggies in large nursery containers this year as we may be moving to AR sooner than expected. The botton 4' of our main run is enclosed with half inch hardware cloth which should keep the chickens away from the plants.

You know what? I was thinking of hyacinth beans instead of scarlet runner beans when I mentioned the toxicity. Hyacinth......scarlet.......I guess I'm color blind. But hyacinth beans are the poisonous ones. Go ahead and plant the scarlet ones.

My bad.

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