plastic or galvinized


In the Brooder
11 Years
Oct 23, 2008
Hi all, my first upcoming winter with chickens. I have been using 1 gallon plastic waterers. should I change to galvinized? I live in delaware so the weather can get cold at times. or I was thinking of some type of insulation cap I could put on the plastic one, like a winter wool hat. does the plastic crack easily? thanks for any help.

2 teenagers, 5 redstars,3 blackstars,2 ducks, 5 guineas, 1 dog, 2 cats, 40 koi. 1 wife
I'm setting up my 3 gal galvanized waterer today with a heating element underneath.

I understand you can also get new electrified plastic waterers, not sure to what min, temp. they work. Just don't out your older plastic waterers on a galvanized heater- fire hazard!

This is our choice, found it at our local Home Hardware store. We intend to guard the cord on the base from pecking.
The instructions tell you that the heater base is meant to be used *only* with a double-walled galvanized waterer, as shown in the pic.

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thanks for the info. been looking at the galvinized heaters, now to find the best deal!
You can get away with the plastic ones, if you keep them in the coop, you just have to change them a couple times a day. DE weather is about the same as here. If you decide to go with heated galvanized, TSC carries them.
I've heard of people using an upside down flower pot with a light bulb underneath to heat the galvanized waterers, something for you to consider.

I just bought a heated waterer from my local feed store, didn't want to mess with water and electricity and hope I did it right...
I prefer plastic waters. never needed a heater because I'm able to keep my coop just above freezing... Only froze once last year. Plastic will crack and metal will bend so not much good on ether end. But if you were to get a heater for it I would defiantly use a metal one.

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