Please advise on roofing -- shingle nails poking inside henhouse??

Why don't you use colored asphalt roll roofing, it is made from the same type of materials as shingles, it looks good and you could use a black trowel on roofing cement to adhere it to the wood. easy peezy chickeneezy.

How about a squirt of clear silicone over the nail points? It should stick fine and it wouldn't be able to be picked off I wouldn't think?
That is what I am considering.
I'd suggest doing a trial run first. Put a nail thru a piece of wood, sticking out as if it were one of teh roofing nails, and apply the caulk as you describe. Then once it's dry, a) whack and scrape yourself in the scalp with it to see if you're happy with the result, and b) leave it in the coop for a week or two to see if they peck the caulk off.

My money is STRONGLY on the result of a) being that you don't like it one bit at all, and of b) being yes they do peck it off

I suppose it would also depend on what kind of underlayment the nail is coming through. If it is rough I think the silicone would stick really well.
Why wouldn't you like it? It would be a rounded glob and shouldn't be a problem to the human body.
My experience with doing similar things is that the strength of silicone is poor compared to the sharpness and rigidity of a nail point. You whack yourself square into it, you WILL get poked (unless I suppose it was just like an eighth of an inch poking out, which isn't really the situation here), and stand a good chance of getting scraped too. I speak from experience with very-similar things, here, not just from theory.

Really, try it before committing to that course of action

Don't bend the nails down if you use the shingle method. You can actually cause a leak this way, bending them over or down can unseat the nail, thus causing water to find around the head of the nail. Don't use the shortest nail you can find, short nails can be pulled out by wind and there goes your roof. You could always use a right angle grinder to take the tips off of the nails inside but you cannot go to short. You can also sheet the inside of the coop if you have enough room.

Rolled roofing would work but I wouldn't use an adhesive for it, just nail it. Reason being is when the weather gets hot outside the asphalt in the rolled roofing heats up and can actually melt the adhesive, thus causing lifting, bubbling or curling. Constant reheating and cooling of an adhesive will cause it to fail and then you are stuck dealing with leaks or replacing the roof. Nailing is best and don't forget to use a moisture barrier under your roofing product (felt paper).
This happened when I roofed my deck, so this time I plan to do one thing differently. I'm nailing the roof together using 2 x 2 furing strips on the underside. This way I can nail rolled roofing just where the strips are underneath. This will be easier because I plan to make the roof where it can be lifted off.
Them nails wont hurt your chickens, I have yet to have a one eyed chicken. "YOU'll SHOOT YOUR EYE OUT"
why not use your hammer and bend the nails over so you don't get poked, i work in construction and thats all we do with nails that shine thru. look in most of your attics and you'll see the same thing.

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