Please could anybody offer me any advice. I have a chicken who I have been treating with what I think is vent glee. She has been having loose dihoreea for a while now and I was bathing every couple of days. I was advised to try rooster booster, so after salt bath and drying off we started rooster booster on top of vermin x capsules for breakfast and also changed to a different layers pellets. I did this for a week. I also treated a few lice she had and checked rest of the 2 chickens. After salt bathing every 2 to 3 days I also applied cream to vent. Also done for over a week. Today lady was dirty again and so bathed this morning. This afternoon the picture in the comments Is what her vent was like and there was some blood too. I have now bathed again for 20 mins dried off and isolated in darkness. But I am very unsure on what else I can do to help her. I must stated she hasn't been having any snacks or fruit and veg etc and is super well In herself. No lice visable now and is very happy exploring. Thank you so much picture in comments