Please check out our fuzzy butts * Pics*update???


10 Years
Dec 28, 2009
Bellingham Wa
Please take a look; they told me these chicks were Silver Lace Wyandottes


notice the feet, kind of darkish.


The head has a dot like BR's


The wing seems to change daily, there's that little white dot close to the body?



What do you think, My son and I aren't knowledgeable in chickage

No matter, we love them but we really wanted SLW
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They do look alot like my BR chicks. So I did a quick search for SLW chicks (as I've never seen them before) and found some pictures on feathersite .

If you scroll down towards the bottom you can see the SLW pics, and I really don't think your chicks look like them. I'm sorry!
Holy Molie, Now what to do??? Airilith Thanks for the site ref. It was very clear. They are BR's. I might give them to a friend that had a predator prolbem and left her with no winter egg layers.
I don't mean to be picky. I have 3 BR's now and their great. It's that as a family we decided on SLW. The guy was so distracted I should have questioned him more than 3 times
not sure if maybe you intended to post a different pic. but,...
that sure looks identicle to my two Araucanas.

but I could be wrong I suppose. I am certainly no expert.
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UGAchic... your right they don't look like that at all. My friend said see could take them if I could raise them up a bit.
She has no place to put them right now. I'm good with that cause the more fuzz the better. I just don't have room for 22 adults.
Thanks for all the input.

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