Please, everyone post pictures of your shabby and chic coops here


Finished coop and run girls have been enjoying it for a week now
Fishnet......just came across this while looking for coop ideas....two words Super Jealous.
This is our first attempt at coop building. We used ideas from this site. My husband and I decided to go with the portable idea. The run is detachable and we've attached handles to the front of the coop so that it can be wheeled to a new location every few days.

We left a little crawl space for the ladies to hide in. They seem to like looking out the window.

The view from inside the nesting boxes.

I built mine under the deck - using four of the 4x4s that hold up the deck.

Then I added a run/aviary and put lattice on the sides facing neighbors.

Entrance to the run/aviary.
Wow, everyone has nice ideas. I love how smccuen utilized wasted space. I love the real branches in the coop LadyCluckington! Rochelle1021, we have been trying to figure out how to incorporate the old triangular swing set into the coop. Your coop shows how.

For winter, I went ahead and made two pallet huts and connected them. It has worked well. Not sure what I am going to do in the spring. I know I will be adding a porch off whatever I settle with. I want to keep the snow as far as I can away from their straw. Plus, when a bird is picked on they can lay under the awning.

Thanks everyone for posting pictures! Anyone else have pictures to share, please do....
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I realize I am coming late to the party, but this is a great thread for harvesting ideas. I inherited the coop, painted it, added windows, and now have a 2 roomer - nesting area + night quarters. I luv luv luv my automatic door. The windows are hardware cloth, then, I have plexiglass panels to slide into the exterior frames that are bolted on. (Since pictures, I have changed the human door and also the window seat.) My girls free-range.

My next build is a hoop coop for the roosters I suspect I have in my latest batch of chicks. Thanks hoop coop sharers!

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