please help broody hen has ANTS on her and a BLACK comb?

ok thanks i will bring her in tomorrow she had not gotton off the nest since i made her get off the other day i fill bad making her get off but i think moving her in side will get her away from all the stress shes having in the coop with the bigger hens
I would move her inside, you don't want the ants on her; much less her chicks.
And moving her would also get her away from the other hens that are pecking at her.
thanks for your help i have a brooder ready and tomorrow she will go in side and i will try and gt her comb better
That black tissue doesn't look good, especially at the base of her comb. Is it normally that pale pink? It's almost like it isn't getting enough blood. I don't think an antibiotic ointment will hurt at this point, but you should consider bringing her to a vet if she takes a turn for the worse (e.g., the comb's blacker or paler, she's acting lethargic).
thanks for your help i will keep yall updated
Seven dust for ants...cinnamon powder..garlic powder helps to. My hens fight over nest boxes...the hens will peck the broody to get into a favorite nest box. Once she has open wounds..not only is it an open invitation for the hens to continue to peck, but probly being aggravated by ants feeding in the wound to. I dunno how many eggs u got but if there's poo, broken eggs and ants in the nest...The bacteria may kill the eggs. Have you checked them for viability? Frankly, if it's just 1 or 2 toss them...isolate the hen to nurse her back to health...clean up the nest box area and treat for ants.
The ants obviously aren't going away. Quit procrastinating and bring the chicken inside already. What are you waiting for? How many times do you need to be told this before action is taken?
pretty soon there will be so many ants they'll carry her and her eggs away.:rolleyes:
:goodpost: Wolf, what is keeping you from putting her in tonight? Really, you need to get her out of that environment in order for her to heal. Between the ants and the other hens, the coop is NOT a friendly place for her right now.
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