Please Help Chicken won't Stand at all!!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Nov 23, 2012
Hello. I just rescued a poultry chicken from the chicken house. I brought him/her home. The chicken didn't look quit right but i brought it home, cleaned it up and put it in a box with clean towels. I put a little king syrupin water and gave it to the chicken. It drank the water and started to look a lot better so i hard boiled and egg and grinded it with the shell. The chicken ate a good bit and has been drinking plenty of plain water and eating very well. She looks perfectly healthy and poop is what i read it should be. Problem is the chicken has not stood or even tried. I just picked her up in the palm of my hand and let her legs hang and did a simple range of motio and everything seems fine. One foot will slightly curl the toes when i push the leg up and rub the toes, unfortunately the other leg and toes will do nothing.
Can anyone give me advise as i know nothing about chickens I'm just trying to do the right thing.
I read a checklist on a chicken exam and everything seems to be in order with the exception of feathers missing on the underside and sides under wings.
Please remember this is a poultry chicken so its not very old and has been eating stuff made to make it grow fast.
I rescued a total of five and their heads are still slightly yellow.
Please can anyone tell me how to get the poor things legs working.
If he/she is a meatie bird it is not uncommon to have leg problems due to fast weight gain or if he/she was a layer and was stuck in a layer's crate its not uncommon for the muscle to deteriorate without exercise. Sounds like therapy is needed in either situation.
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Not a layer they come in as babies and stay till they go to the slaughter house. What kind of therapy should i do?
Btw thank u so much for responding so quickly
I want to do everything i can because she is not sick as she is eating and drinking beautifuly and she's bright eyed and she flaps her wing ever so often so i know she has a good chance. Do you think she might staighten out when the crap hormones get out of her. She and the others are a little bit small that why they didn't go i think.
Do i get the vitamin b at a health food store and how do i administer? I have tried to give pieces of grapes and cucumbers but she won't eat those all she wants is the hard boiled egg with shell. I read the egg was an excellent source of nutrition.
You can buy infant liquid Vitamin B at Walmart. Then mix it in the egg. Sounds like your chicken though is a broiler. They are bred to eat more than they should and often loose ability to walk (like a very obese person). You could try putting her on a diet but even then she may just suffer.
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Bless you for taking th in......Like stated above...she sounds like a meat chicken..which are bred to put on huge amounts of weight before slaughter. This puts huge amounts of stress on their legs and bones. the bear areas sound like pressure areas from her sitting for so long. I'm not sure her lifespan as they can suffer heart probes etc. But losing weight and exercise.and.perhaps a glucosimen joint supplementigjt help. Look up my thread on building a chicken chair. You can add wheels so she can push herself so she can work those legs for.a few hours a day.
Thank you there is some great advice here. I have been working extensivly with her this morning massaging her legs and doing some range of motion. I have notice that in the nonfuctioning leg she is able to slightly pull it back at the hip but no fuction in the toes. I have built a sling attached to a human walker. This was to try and put her in a standing position taking the weight off the legs and I'm hoping she will sometime soon pull her legs up. Does this sound like a good idea or am i hurting her more and should take her out?

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