Please help! Do I need to put coconut oil on pip?

All info I could find online said to turn them over. I did add a warm wet Sponge to the incubator to help humidity recover quicker. I hope that was the right thing to do. I was able to see that the blood has not been absorbed yet, whenever I candled. It was still bright enough red that I could see through the shell
Unfortunately I haven't found any movement in the last 3 days. Is there anything that would cause development right up until hatching? When candling, the chick looks small too. This isn't the first time this exact thing has happened. I don't know what I'm doing to cause so many failure to hatch's.

I know this will sound awful but in the back of my mind I've started wondering if someone could be doing something to cause death right before hatch without my knowledge. I think I'll start keeping hatch date quiet and see if there's a difference. My daughter and I have been so excited about this Spitz. I decided to leave it in the incubator, just in case :-(

I'm planning on ordering a small scale to track weight loss. Maybe something with the humidity is killing them.

I don't know. Some of Mally's eggs are incubating. Her eggs are so dark brown that it's difficult to see what's going on. She's been running from Blue lately so fertility is questionable.

The eggs that I took out of the Incuview (to clean behind the rotten egg) were easily candled. Half of them were developing, which is surprising. You're right, I could easily tell which ones were developing, except for Mally's.

Thank you so much for your help. I am truly grateful for you and all you do.
I'm just seeing this! I stopped getting notifications. I've had a lot of trouble with not getting alerts lately. That's sad about the Spitz. You never know though. It might be ok still. Could you post a candling pic? Any veins?
That is an interesting theory. I don't know what could be done to "sabotage" the hatching though. Is there anyone in your home that dislikes the chickens that much? That's really sad if it's true, quite a waste of time and money. Hopefully that's not it.
The humidity can't easily be messed up. Did you salt test the hydrometer? I never salt tested mine, but they've been checked against a few things and seem right. The hen can't control the humidity, sometimes its super high (rainy days) sometimes super low (hot and dry days) and their hatch rates are just fine. I just make sure it' high enough for lockdown, and keep it in the 30s-50s until day 18.
Which ones could you easily see development in? Mally's will be a surprise, lol.
@MGG i have 2 externally pipped Serama eggs. Neither are in the air cell. Do I need to help them and turn the eggs to where the pip is at least at the top side?
I'm so sorry! I was outside a lot today and not on much. That's exciting that they pipped!
I have no idea when they pipped but I hear chirping
Probably not long ago, maybe an hour or two at most.
All info I could find online said to turn them over. I did add a warm wet Sponge to the incubator to help humidity recover quicker. I hope that was the right thing to do. I was able to see that the blood has not been absorbed yet, whenever I candled. It was still bright enough red that I could see through the shell
That should be ok. I usually don't they can breathe just fine that way. Turning them over disorients them a bit since they're already in hatching position. They just might take a little longer to get back into position. So don't worry if they go over the normal time frame some. They should be fine. What day is this for them? Seramas are such cute little things.
I set the seramas really late Friday, July 3rd/really early Saturday, July 4th. So this is Day 18/19. I'm not sure how to count when I set them at a crazy time. The seller told me that they generally hatch on Day 19 and I've always heard they tend to hatch early.
I set the seramas really late Friday, July 3rd/really early Saturday, July 4th. So this is Day 18/19. I'm not sure how to count when I set them at a crazy time. The seller told me that they generally hatch on Day 19 and I've always heard they tend to hatch early.
Ok. Any other pips on the other Seramas? How many viable serama eggs did you put into lockdown?

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