Please help! Easter Egger experts needed!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jul 17, 2010
Hi Everybody,

I desperately need help sexing my 14 week old easter egger 'Big Peep'.
We really need to try and work it out because his/her best friend 'Little Peep'is a rooster and has to go back to the hatchery as we aren't allowed to keep roosters and we need to know if Big Peep should go too or be integrated with our other chickens.
Anyone have ideas?
Thanks so much for any help.



That's a pullet.

Curious though, you sure that's an EE? Its comb looks like a single comb, and everything else says a normal Polish cross with something else. . . Is that Lavender coloring I'm seeing or White?
Oh I so hope she is a girl. I really love her!
It's just breaking my heart to give up little peep who is a cochin bantam of unbelievable cuteness!

Illia, please do tell me more about what breed you think she (hopefully) is. She was sold to me as an Aracuana but I believe they need to be tufted ?? I'mm very new to chickens as you can probably tell. I'm really hoping to get coloured eggs. I presume a Polish cross would have white eggs. She is lavender. A very pretty light lavender. Does that make a difference to possible breed?
It does look like a single comb. Your chicken is gorgeous!
I don't understand how I could get a polish though. As far as I know that hatchery doesn't even do Polish. Unless their egg suppliers didn't tell them the correct thing.
My rooster is handsome! He is so sweet I have to show you a picture.... or two! Unfortunately he has to go back to the hatchery but at least he will have a happy life with lots of hens to chase...

Umm, are you from the UK, Australia, or New Zealand by any chance?

Lavender is pretty hard to keep if you're making Easter Eggers. . . And if your seller told you she's an Araucana, I believe she is, but a cull one. Araucanas in the UK, Australia, and NZ can be tailed and crested, but usually have a beard and muffs. They're commonly found in the Lavender color though.
You're like a chicken detective Illia

Yes, I am in Western Australia. I get really confused about the differences in the Araucanas in different regions. I'm not sure what you mean about being a

Thanks very much for your help so far. I'm really hoping for colored eggs so I'd be glad if she is an Araucanas!​
cull: a breeders bird that is not up to quality or they do not want to breed with her so they give or sell her.
It's hard to know if she'll lay colored eggs, because her comb looks to be single, but somewhat modified- I think there's a chance she'll lay colored for you.

Lovely girl!!

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