Brought up the 'chunnels' idea...."We've already done a big thing, and we should wait some before doing another thing' 'We need to know we can handle this' Yes, I explained that chunnels would make our lives easier with cleaning the coop and such.
We've refilled the food and water, and put in a nesting box with a fake egg. The food and water are still in the coop, as it is easier to check on them there repeatedly then know when to refill, but be unable to get to them. The nesting box is part of a *giant* shoebox that we cut, modified, and put shavings and a fake egg in. I don't think that I'll be able to get both kennel and chunnels. Which should I focus on? I'd be spending my own money on either of them.
In a previous post... I think you stated a friend had some chicken wire they may let you have. If that's the case, then see if you can still have it. It may be enough to make a couple.... then you can show them. If not, save about $50.... then, when you get to a home improvement store, grab some wire and make some more. For this, you can use chicken wire, and you arent out much. You can also get the landscape staples there as well. Be patient.... then spend your own money, and show them. :thumbsup
If you were closer to me... I would bring you my extra wire!
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We've refilled the food and water, and put in a nesting box with a fake egg. The food and water are still in the coop, as it is easier to check on them there repeatedly then know when to refill, but be unable to get to them. The nesting box is part of a *giant* shoebox that we cut, modified, and put shavings and a fake egg in. I don't think that I'll be able to get both kennel and chunnels. Which should I focus on? I'd be spending my own money on either of them.
As for which one is best... that will be up to you. I had my big run finished first... but then I have way more birds. Tunnels you can always add as you go because they are so inexpensive. If you have to involve your parents and they give you the go.... then I would do the kennels first...then add tunnels if needed. If they plant they're feet and say no kennel, then the tunnels are something you can do entirely by yourself.
As for which one is best... that will be up to you. I had my big run finished first... but then I have way more birds. Tunnels you can always add as you go because they are so inexpensive. If you have to involve your parents and they give you the go.... then I would do the kennels first...then add tunnels if needed. If they plant they're feet and say no kennel, then the tunnels are something you can do entirely by yourself.
The problem is, I have to ask them before doing things, as I myself don't have the ability to take money out of my account, or drive anywhere to get anything, or order anything off amazon, because I don't have a credit card.
The problem is, I have to ask them before doing things, as I myself don't have the ability to take money out of my account, or drive anywhere to get anything, or order anything off amazon, because I don't have a credit card.
If I had access to any of these things I could just be completely independent and just set up what's good to set up, as I have good judgement and knOW WHAT I"M DOING
My main issue right now is that I don't understand their logic on turning this down? It has no cons for them? maybe if I'm just over the top positive for the next few days it'll work? But I'm trying to implement something that has *literally* no cons for them. Whether it's the kennel or the chunnels, the results are the same:
-happier chickens
-happier humans
-they're out NO money or time spent building things
*literally the only possible con is that they might have to drive places*

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