They did go in. There is not a door that I can close that goes from the run into the coop, just a hole that I can't actually close. I'm actually kind of angry at the chicken people right now, the coop has different dimensions than were listed on the website, (it's bigger so it's ok but still) the coop there HAS A DOOR TO CLOSE between the coop and the run. The food and water are in the coop-right where I can't see them without opening another door. I want to move them into the run so that I can see when they need a refill.
Don’t worry too much tonight about the food and water. Maybe a large board could close the opening if you have some plywood or a large cardboard box with some weight but into it to keep them in and predators out for the night to ease your mind. If you have to feed them on the ground in the morning until you get an appropriate feeder that won’t be terrible. Many people do that all the time. It’s not the worst thing in the world by any means. Waster is their life force right now. What I have found with my flock is that in unfamiliar situations and places they will want to stay close together. Most likely they will not try to get too far from one another if they are bonded with one another. If you have to keep them in the coop for a few days until you get things straightened out that also is not terrible as long as they are cool enough and have water and food. They don’t need food at night. Just water if it’s terribly hot is a plus or a fan is you have power and you can run it safely without scaring them but only if your temps are in the extremes. If you have ventilation they will be fine otherwise also. Breathe and it will be okay. You can get them healthy and coming to you eventually with feed and treats with tenderness and proper care. No doubt. Especially if they have never had it. I have faith in that. You will find the help here. For sure. Good luck.
welcome also!😊😊😊🙏🙏🙏
Don’t worry too much tonight about the food and water. Maybe a large board could close the opening if you have some plywood or a large cardboard box with some weight but into it to keep them in and predators out for the night to ease your mind. If you have to feed them on the ground in the morning until you get an appropriate feeder that won’t be terrible. Many people do that all the time. It’s not the worst thing in the world by any means. Waster is their life force right now. What I have found with my flock is that in unfamiliar situations and places they will want to stay close together. Most likely they will not try to get too far from one another if they are bonded with one another. If you have to keep them in the coop for a few days until you get things straightened out that also is not terrible as long as they are cool enough and have water and food. They don’t need food at night. Just water if it’s terribly hot is a plus or a fan is you have power and you can run it safely without scaring them but only if your temps are in the extremes. If you have ventilation they will be fine otherwise also. Breathe and it will be okay. You can get them healthy and coming to you eventually with feed and treats with tenderness and proper care. No doubt. Especially if they have never had it. I have faith in that. You will find the help here. For sure. Good luck.
welcome also!😊😊😊🙏🙏🙏
It's been a few days and we have settled in more! I am now able to refill the food and water through a system that I've figured out that involves distracting the chickens, then blocking the opening between the coop and run. It isn't too hot as of right now but if it goes to extremes then I would probably get one of those little pocket fans with the foam blades so that I don't hurt the chickens to put inside the coop. We are DEFINITELY not letting them free range anytime soon. We are getting an extension for the run that will be coming on Friday! This will give me access to the other part of the run as well, as there is a door that I can close between the two.
It's been a few days and we have settled in more! I am now able to refill the food and water through a system that I've figured out that involves distracting the chickens, then blocking the opening between the coop and run. It isn't too hot as of right now but if it goes to extremes then I would probably get one of those little pocket fans with the foam blades so that I don't hurt the chickens to put inside the coop. We are DEFINITELY not letting them free range anytime soon. We are getting an extension for the run that will be coming on Friday! This will give me access to the other part of the run as well, as there is a door that I can close between the two.
Good deal. I am glad to hear that things are settling down a bit and going a little smoother and somewhat easier for you. You remind me a great deal of myself. You sound like a very caring animal lover who only wants to do right by your feathered friends and do the best for them and your connections to them I believe have taken you for a ride and taken advantage of your lack of knowledge or experience in not having chickens before. That is wrong and a shame and in my book down right sorry. Those are the nicest words I can come up with to write. I have better words for them that are more fitting I believe but shouldn’t be posted for tender ears or public forums. I believe once you get your chickens settled down to your standards they will feel it in you as you calm down with that satisfaction. Mine know when I am not happy with their conditions. Seems silly but I think they are like women also. Picky and flighty at times and need just some certain things in their lives to be just so no matter what and that is the bottom line no matter what. When those things line up for them then all is right in the world and they will be happy and lay eggs and not have another care in the world but to eat cluck, sing, poop, scratch, peck, and be merry. Women we have to have running water, a clean commode, toilet tissue, a bath, - at least every three days at the utmost extreme situation, and a tooth brushing of some kind somewhere and how. And in my mother’s case more than mine I am afraid- the dishes must all be done and dried and put away before she can go to bed - God rest her soul. She is in her permanent resting place now so she can’t fuss anymore God love her and so do I. Miss her like my right arm. She would turn over in her grave if she knew I raise chicks in the house until they were 7 weeks old. Geez. Their metal for their coop was delayed due to the July 4th holiday. If it doesn’t come tomorrow I will cry. We have got to get them outside. I am miserable with them in their brooder pen. It is huge and they are comfortable a plenty but they are in my basement because it is so hot in Mississippi. It was over 100+ temps and heat indexes all this past week and weekend and I think this coming week will be the same plus we have had additional storms and flash floods. I have had them on my screened in porch before for two weeks to get them acclimated to the outdoors and it just got too hot for them without enough way to get away from one another. They still want to sleep in a clump for security and even though I have a fan going too it is dangerous for them to do that. One night I heard one of them shrieking and I heard them on a baby monitor doing that and the one shrieking was being smothered because two had snuggled her so close they were on top of her too much basically smothering her to death and she could barely breathe. It scared her so bad that she is the most shy one but when I ran out there she came right out to where I was at the end of the brooder pen and wanted me to take her in my hands immediately. It was scary. They are happy in my basement but they should be outside learning and playing in the grass letting me teach them all kinds of things and enjoying themselves during summer. Hopefully by Thursday at the latest they will be in their coop. I can’t wait to let them loose in their run.
***OH! I was going to tell you this about the WOOD SHAVINGS! Mine have been on these their whole lives but as they have gotten about six weeks old they do not like them under their feet it seems. They like to scrape and scratch them out of their brooder pen. I put PDZ in their now with their shavings to keep the ammonia smell down but the shavings seem to irritate them. I now out a pile in the middle so that there is some left in there for a while that reach the sides and don’t end up all in the feeder. Yours might prefer straw Incase that is what they have been used to or some type of sand may have been what was used. You might ask if you are still speaking to those guys. Lots of folks use types of sand but I think it might be construction grade sand but you need to be sure and research it with folks that use it because I don’t. I plan to use the deep litter method with wood shavings that are not cedar and are not treated. I plan to also put PDZ- zeolite which is sweet PDZ or stalk refresher just depends on what brand or what place you get it from in the coop to keep down ammonia odor and flies. I will also do the shavings in the run after they tear up all the grass and them is shavings and some sand. I plan to use a concrete bird bath for a dust bath for them and use some peat moss mixture with diatomaceous earth to keep away mites and parasites. I will also dust the coop with this also and the egg or laying boxes when I install them closer to when it’s their age to start laying. I hope this was a help to you. I got most of my information from folks on here that gave me sound and willing advice which is gratefully appreciated. I wish you the best.
How will you attach new 'run' to rented one?
Assuming you can't cut the rented on.
One end of the new one is open. This will go up against the side of the rental run with the door. I wasn't sure how secure this plan is, but...I was thinking a bit of chicken wire with a staple gun (the staples can be pulled out, I don't think that the rental people will notice) and also zip ties. We have PLENTY of zip ties so I won't skimp on them.
Good deal. I am glad to hear that things are settling down a bit and going a little smoother and somewhat easier for you. You remind me a great deal of myself. You sound like a very caring animal lover who only wants to do right by your feathered friends and do the best for them and your connections to them I believe have taken you for a ride and taken advantage of your lack of knowledge or experience in not having chickens before. That is wrong and a shame and in my book down right sorry. Those are the nicest words I can come up with to write. I have better words for them that are more fitting I believe but shouldn’t be posted for tender ears or public forums. I believe once you get your chickens settled down to your standards they will feel it in you as you calm down with that satisfaction. Mine know when I am not happy with their conditions. Seems silly but I think they are like women also. Picky and flighty at times and need just some certain things in their lives to be just so no matter what and that is the bottom line no matter what. When those things line up for them then all is right in the world and they will be happy and lay eggs and not have another care in the world but to eat cluck, sing, poop, scratch, peck, and be merry. Women we have to have running water, a clean commode, toilet tissue, a bath, - at least every three days at the utmost extreme situation, and a tooth brushing of some kind somewhere and how. And in my mother’s case more than mine I am afraid- the dishes must all be done and dried and put away before she can go to bed - God rest her soul. She is in her permanent resting place now so she can’t fuss anymore God love her and so do I. Miss her like my right arm. She would turn over in her grave if she knew I raise chicks in the house until they were 7 weeks old. Geez. Their metal for their coop was delayed due to the July 4th holiday. If it doesn’t come tomorrow I will cry. We have got to get them outside. I am miserable with them in their brooder pen. It is huge and they are comfortable a plenty but they are in my basement because it is so hot in Mississippi. It was over 100+ temps and heat indexes all this past week and weekend and I think this coming week will be the same plus we have had additional storms and flash floods. I have had them on my screened in porch before for two weeks to get them acclimated to the outdoors and it just got too hot for them without enough way to get away from one another. They still want to sleep in a clump for security and even though I have a fan going too it is dangerous for them to do that. One night I heard one of them shrieking and I heard them on a baby monitor doing that and the one shrieking was being smothered because two had snuggled her so close they were on top of her too much basically smothering her to death and she could barely breathe. It scared her so bad that she is the most shy one but when I ran out there she came right out to where I was at the end of the brooder pen and wanted me to take her in my hands immediately. It was scary. They are happy in my basement but they should be outside learning and playing in the grass letting me teach them all kinds of things and enjoying themselves during summer. Hopefully by Thursday at the latest they will be in their coop. I can’t wait to let them loose in their run.
***OH! I was going to tell you this about the WOOD SHAVINGS! Mine have been on these their whole lives but as they have gotten about six weeks old they do not like them under their feet it seems. They like to scrape and scratch them out of their brooder pen. I put PDZ in their now with their shavings to keep the ammonia smell down but the shavings seem to irritate them. I now out a pile in the middle so that there is some left in there for a while that reach the sides and don’t end up all in the feeder. Yours might prefer straw Incase that is what they have been used to or some type of sand may have been what was used. You might ask if you are still speaking to those guys. Lots of folks use types of sand but I think it might be construction grade sand but you need to be sure and research it with folks that use it because I don’t. I plan to use the deep litter method with wood shavings that are not cedar and are not treated. I plan to also put PDZ- zeolite which is sweet PDZ or stalk refresher just depends on what brand or what place you get it from in the coop to keep down ammonia odor and flies. I will also do the shavings in the run after they tear up all the grass and them is shavings and some sand. I plan to use a concrete bird bath for a dust bath for them and use some peat moss mixture with diatomaceous earth to keep away mites and parasites. I will also dust the coop with this also and the egg or laying boxes when I install them closer to when it’s their age to start laying. I hope this was a help to you. I got most of my information from folks on here that gave me sound and willing advice which is gratefully appreciated. I wish you the best.
Mine seem to like the wood shavings, and they're stuck with them as my parents certainly do not want to buy a different kind of bedding for them when we have a whole bunch of one kind. I have some diatomaceous earth that came late that I"m going to mix into their dusting mixture-a mixture of sand and topsoil, and now DE. It is less hot here than where you are, thankfully. We've had some days that are VERY hot, but then rain comes in the next few days that clears out the heat and humidity. Don't worry about my 'tender ears' I also have some words for the rental people that the moderators wouldn't appreciate. I think that it is like 30% my fault we got fleeced, for not looking at reviews or looking too deep into the farm or the rental, and 70% my parents, who made me go along with it, and also didn't do their chicken research. We're working through it. How is your brooder set up? If we keep these girls I'd love to add 2 or 3 more chicks in a few years. My friends both use dog crates but I foresee my cat's paw going through one of those....
This morning's update:
They have not yet tipped the feeder. They seem to be enjoying all the new dirt and stuff that I put in their run last night. I'm going to have to start playing the role of pooper scooper, and I'll add some more shavings in. They've gotten poop in their food.....Should I make poop guard to go over it? I know that it's not supposed to be under the roost, but honestly, most of the space in the coop is under the roost in some way or another. There aren't shavings in the waterer or the food as of right now. No eggs yet, from the sexlinks or the leghorn. Hopefully the addition of more space will help them, as well as more regulated oyster shell intake.
Instead of these flimsy baby feeders that don't even work for chicks you could just use rain gutter hinged with wire or screwed to the wooden coop wall.
We're not supposed to 'damage the coop' in any way, so screwing a feeder in wouldn't work. The feeder is working ok for right now. I'll probably replace it with a milk jug feeder that somebody recommended, once we get an empty milk jug. I would have chosen a real feeder myself, but this one came with the rental.

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