PLEASE HELP - leaking egg


Apr 28, 2023
Hi there,

One of my chickens got broody and has hatched 3 chickens out of a nest of 8.
She left the other 5 eggs two days ago after the third baby chick hatched.

I'm trying to save the eggs with a heat lamp and we heard chirping yesterday from one egg but now I have a leaking egg and I don't know if the chick is doing well or is still alive.

It looks like it's blood with a bit of fluid and it's rather a bit sticky.

Does anyone know what this is and whether this is good/bad? :(
The eggs overall has been stressing me out since I don't want them to die, one already died a week ago and got smelly so I tossed it away.

Please help.
It was a baby that probably died a few days ago... i was too late discovering that mamma hen wasn't sitting on her eggs anymore. Tossed out 3 eggs now, hoping the other two will hatch 😭

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