Just chiming in here. It really looks like frostbite to me, but I have seen at least one other thread with a crush injury that looked like that. I would agree that the toes may fall off soon. Some Vetericyn spray or betadine on the toes may help dry them and prevent infection.
Thank you!!!
You know, you seem like a really nice person, Leafblade12345

Thank you! So do you. OP, I was wondering if you keep your rooster in a room where the heat may shut off at night, or an air conditioning may turn on? If so, I would move him to your room, or a warmer place, so that you can monitor temperatures. Keeping you and your chicken in my thoughts! :fl

Just chiming in here. It really looks like frostbite to me, but I have seen at least one other thread with a crush injury that looked like that. I would agree that the toes may fall off soon. Some Vetericyn spray or betadine on the toes may help dry them and prevent infection.

Eggcessive, so glad you came! OP, here's someone with at least x100 of my chicken knowledge. Good luck!

After looking at those pictures again, there is swelling just above the dead parts of the toes, just like in so many other pictures of frostbite that I have seen.

Eggcessive, so glad you came! OP, here's someone with at least x100 of my chicken knowledge. Good luck!


Thanks LeafBlade, I don't really think that is true, but thank you. I love this forum where everyone can contribute to these threads to help out.
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It looks like frost bite to me, also. You might try giving him some antibiotics to work on the infection frm the inside out.

Soaking the foot would probably help with infection, too.

PM casportpony, she can tell you what antibiotics to use and what to soak his foot in.

Good luck!

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