Please help me identify Rodney's breed

cooliez,, i would keep the feeder full enough for 2 days if i was you,, that way if anything happens, and you cant get back home, then they'll be set for at least 2 days,, that said,, i only feed mine enough for a day lol,, im always home
but if you have someone that can do it for you, theres no prob with it,, but at least show them "how things work" before its needed.
ah i SEE! i provide food and water, i'm good guy, coop and run good place! the feeders are just magic food sources.
got home around 8pm tonight. yep they roosted all by themselves again. and i had 2 eggs there also! both big and brown. one could be from yesterday. don't know as i didn't check yesterday.. i've had them 3 days and i have 3 eggs
I am happy & excited for you! I am awaiting for my first egg .....and likely it ain't happening till spring at the rate we're going.

Keep up the good work!
here's a question:

why do both of them freeze almost everyday right around 5pm for 20 minutes or so? they just stop moving. sometime slowly sitting. it's kinda creepy. then they peck about again and roost shortly after.

anyway, got another egg again today. 4 in 4 days!
Congratulations on you eggs. It's a mystery why they freeze. Sometimes I miss a day collecting. Not to worry. I leave my eggs out on what I call my egg counter for sometimes two weeks. I do sell my eggs so as soon as I sanitise them into the fridge they go. We are happy chicken owners and do they ever have us trained!!!
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I see my birds do this when thier is a hawk, or other predator about, perhaps you have a neighbor who comes home at that time, and turns on something that confuses them as well, some sound we cant hear that makes them nervous?

How is Rodney doing? has he shown any desire to move in with the ladies yet?
Sounds to me like Rodney picked the right person to adopt ... lol

You've done a great job, it's nice to see a "first timer" taking such good care of his feathered friends. I bet you never thought chickens could be this interesting and fun.

The suspense is killin me, have you gotten Rodney in the coop yet?

Keep up the good work, and good luck!


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