Please help me identify Rodney's breed

i'm trying the eggs tomorrow
haven't caught the roo yet. i haven't seen him in a few days. yesterday i didn't see him anywhere, and two days before that i left for work before sunrise and got home after sunset. he hides well and it has happened before where i can't find him and then see him the next day.

they've gone into the coop and roosted on their own for 4 nights in a row now. they've been in the coop a total of 6 nights and 5 days. (fri night to wed night). has this been enough to let them free range and they'll come back on their own? i don't want them following rodney into his roost. i'm sure he'll follow them though into the coop. he gave them tons of attention the last time i did see him. he seems to retire about an hour earlier than the hens.

anyway, i want to try to let them free range and get the roo tomorrow as it's my first day off in a while!
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i dont know man,,, im not a free ranger,, i think when ya free range your just asking to loose birds,,, but they usually say keep them in at least a week., and i think i'd try to catch rodney, and get him in there, and all of them used to each other before i let em out,,,, but thats your call.
wait till ya try them eggs,,, you'll never go back to store bought eggs hehe
Your coop and run came out great!! If rodney has "interacted" with your new hens (whom we don't know their names yet!!) than you can tell when you crack open an egg! If it looks like a bullseye on the white "spot" than it's fertile and good ol' Rodney has made a visit while you were at work! My chickens free range and they love it. I think they get bored with the feed and each other when they're "all cooped up". They seem to like their OWN coop and i wouldn't think they'd follow your boy just randomly off in the woods. Also, these eggs...are they the Same? Is one pullet not pulling her weight? She may not be old enough for her breed to give eggs yet! Good luck---isn't it fun!!
yeah all the eggs seem the same. i have a fenced in yard but the fence is only 4 foot high.

i tried the eggs this morning. YUM! the only way i could describe it is they tasted more rich.

i'm quite sad. i haven't seen rodney in three. days. of coarse this is the first day i;ve been home during the day in those three days. but he is no where. and the food i've thrown out isn't eaten in the yard.
what happened to my roo?!

i like the little ladies but i miss my roo!
Oh No, I hope he's not gone for good.

It's a long shot, but since you live in a neighborhood and I doubt chickens are the norm, try calling the local animal control, maybe he got out of your yard pecking around or was chased off by a cat and someone called in on him. Of course, they might laugh hysterically at you... but hey... it's worth a shot.

Now I'm sad ...

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