Please help Serbian highflyers leg ripped off by rat


Quacking Pigeon

Mar 12, 2018
NSW, Australia
My Coop
My Coop
So, I had put these two Serbian highflyers in a cage in the barn to pair up. And last night a rat must have grabbed onto the males leg and torn it off. Now the male has one leg and is bleeding and I’m struggling to find the wound as he is a black bird. It really makes me mad as I just got these highflyers last week for breeding and now the male is useless and I won’t be able to get anymore highflyers for a while.

I’ve put him in a cage in the loft and gave him food and water with apple cider vinegar in it. He can’t walk yet but I know he eventually will be able to. What should I do I’m stressing out?
I'm really sorry, that sounds horrible and I wouldn't know what to do except to secure the rest of your birds with a smaller mesh that rats can't get in.
My other birds are in an aviary and the rats can't get in. I moved the female that was in the cage with him back into the aviary and she was courted right away by the other male. I'll see how he is this afternoon as I have to go to school today.
can we have a pic? even if it is grusum
I have a pic from yesterday of him. (He still had two legs)
I'm so sorry. Have you got a vet you can go to? If it's completely ripped off I should imagine it will need suturing and maybe anti biotics for any infection. If it's bleeding now I think you can use cornflour to stop it but it will need cleaning up. I'd give him electrolytes in the water and keep him out of the loft in a cleaner, darkened room. He will be stressed and shocked.
I'm so sorry. Have you got a vet you can go to? If it's completely ripped off I should imagine it will need suturing and maybe anti biotics for any infection. If it's bleeding now I think you can use cornflour to stop it but it will need cleaning up. I'd give him electrolytes in the water and keep him out of the loft in a cleaner, darkened room. He will be stressed and shocked.
Their is a uni vet that does all animals but if it is really expensive it's just not worth it. And it's completely ripped off, trying to find a wound is hard because of his black feathers and it's just extremely hard. What medication should I give him? And it's still bleeding but I can't do anything because I'm going to school. And I won't be able to move him out of the loft until this afternoon.
Their is a uni vet that does all animals but if it is really expensive it's just not worth it. And it's completely ripped off, trying to find a wound is hard because of his black feathers and it's just extremely hard. What medication should I give him? And it's still bleeding but I can't do anything because I'm going to school. And I won't be able to move him out of the loft until this afternoon.
I've never had an injury like this but if you try to trim the feathers around the wound you will be able to see better. There is a powder that is meant to stop bleeding but I'm not sure what it's called but cornflour does the same. If you can't take it to a vet or it's too expensive I would consider euthanising. This is quite a serious injury and I think even with a vet his chances will be 50/50. If an infection takes hold, which it's likely it will, than it will need a course of antibiotics. Perhaps @casportpony or @oldhenlikesdogs could advise you better.

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