Please help with Silkie injury got in fight with other silkie hen sorry for the long post!


May 23, 2022
Hello I am hoping for some help, I have 5 silkies all 11 weeks that my broody silkie hatched they stay in a flock together and seem to get along well the only male that hatched from this group that I am aware of is a Satin. I came out to find Eggs and her sister fighting she had her by the head feathers and was dragging her before I was able to get there (they are free ranging on several acres) My 15 week old Jersey Roo stepped in and nicely stopped the fight he simply walked between them and flapped his wings they ran but then began fighting again until I got to them. Eggs has what looks to be a peck mark in her head the eye is fine. How do I treat the wound? Do I need to pen Eggs up away from the others until it heals? They are all free ranging together and are getting along like nothing happened. The wound does not look bad looks like some bruising along with the peck mark. I have never had a fight that ended in an injury in my flock usually there is a stare down and someone says uncle and walks away. I also don't know which of the hens injured eggs because the 3 of them are all black and look very similar. Could there be a roo in there and that's what's causing the issue? If so how do I tell? This is my first time hatching silkies their momma was the only survivor of some silkie chicks purchased from a local garden and feed store she was raised with 2 polish that I got at the same time. I purchased the eggs for her to hatch so I could have more silkies and was not confident purchasing from the feed store due to my last exp. Any advice is so appreciated I have attached photos of the injury as well as what eggs normally looks like. I apologize the pics are not better I had to hold and take the phots by myself thanks in advance!


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I would recommend to put him in a carrier with food and water with bedding for a day or two until it looks better. This happened with my rooster too. I would also give away the chicken that attacked him.
I would recommend to put him in a carrier with food and water with bedding for a day or two until it looks better. This happened with my rooster too. I would also give away the chicken that attacked him.
Thank you! do I need to put any ointment or anything on the injury or should I just leave it to heal itself? The issue is I don't know which of the three was the attacker because they look identical to each other!
Oh that's not too bad,a little Neosporin will fix it right up.
Btw teenagers fight, so little scuffles are to be expected.:)
Oh thank you good to know!!! They have carried on fine today like nothing ever happened! Do you know a good place to find info on how to tell if they are hens or roos? I don't know how to tell with silkies? The satin was pretty easy to tell and that was verified here on this forum but these true silkies I just cant tell!
As far as I know males have little streamer feathers on their heads and females don't.
Unfortunately I'm not too well versed on them .
I am pretty well versed on teenage chicken fighting in general because they all do it:)
Oh thank you good to know!!! They have carried on fine today like nothing ever happened! Do you know a good place to find info on how to tell if they are hens or roos? I don't know how to tell with silkies? The satin was pretty easy to tell and that was verified here on this forum but these true silkies I just cant tell!
As far as I know males have little streamer feathers on their heads and females don't.
Unfortunately I'm not too well versed on them .
I am pretty well versed on teenage chicken fighting in general because they all do it:)
Thanks any little bit helps!!! Also good to know the spat was normal!
Thank You to everyone who commented here little eggs injury appears to not be to bad at all and he/she is doing well, now the hard part figuring out who the bully is of the three littles who all look identical! tried to pick on eggs today and the little satin rooster stepped in and stopped it!

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