Please help!



In the Brooder
Apr 27, 2017
My sister recently purchased 2 ducks for Easter we aren't sure whether they are male or female. But about 3 days ago the larger duck stopped walking, it wobbles around to get to its food but won't go far. It plays in the pool but not for long either. We noticed blood on it and figured it was from the other duck poking at it so we bought it Blue-Kote for the wounds. It's still limping and we noticed that it lost its appetite. We were going to take it to the vet but our local vet has never treated ducks before. I read that it may be lacking vitamins, any advice will help. Thanks!
Thanks I really appreciate it
@Josiecast what are you feeding your ducklings? are you supplementing with some form of niacin? Most of the time when we hear of leg problems like lameness it is because of a niacin deficiency and can be treated by supplementing, You will need to get 150 mgs of "plain" niacin and start putting it into their drinking water or sprinkling it on their feed. Or get some Nutritional yeast and sprinkle it on their feed. 1 Tab per 1 cup of feed they will need this till 10 weeks old daily. If you decide you want to use niacin instead of BY or can't find either you can also use B complex as long as there is at least 125 mgs of niacin in each capsule or tablet.

Usually once they are started on the niacin supplement it doesn't take long till they are up walking again. 3-7 days.

My dad made them this cage/coop for now till we buy more fence to expand it. I usually let them out and put them by a tree that gives them plenty of shade during the day. If you have any other advice for me, I will greatly appreciate it :)
this setup looks awesome! the only thing i would add is some bedding on that floor area in the back, with like a 4" threshold, and some nest boxes, they like to feel safe but also like privacy

and out at least 1/2" hardware cloth over the kennel walls, a weasel can squeeze into anything the size of a quarter

We have a lock on the door, and we put wood on the ground surrounding the fence so they cant dig under it.
you may want to look into burying HWC
like this:



I have something similar to this for my ducks cause its deeper, we built a little so they could get in and out without trouble.
awesome!! are you burying it or making a nice ramp?

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I just received my niacin 100mg pills, does anyone know how much to put in the food or water. Don't wanna over do it. P.s I have to ducks that share the water and feed.
11/2 tablets crushed and into a one gallon of water mixed well. Both ducks will benefit from it.

Are you giving your duckling with the leg trouble water time it will help alot if you can let it have warm water therapy at least 1X a day always stay right with them. But swimming around in the water is a great way to help build up strong leg muscles. Both ducklings will enjoy it. If you haven't yet start them off with warm water just to top of their legs then gradually make it deeper.

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Hello Duck Experts.

I am currently on day 22 of incubating call duck eggs. I am worried the air cell is too small to enter into lock down. I have been keeping the humidity around 50%. We did have a few temperature fluctuations so they might be late to hatch.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

they don't look too bad to me, for day 22, but pics dont always do justice. you could do a quick misting, once or twice a day. It seems backwards, but it actually helps draw more moisture out, as the mist evaporates. You could also take a damp sponge and wipe the shell, kinda remove some of the bloom from the egg, if you feel its necessary.

good luck!
@Josiecast what are you feeding your ducklings? are you supplementing with some form of niacin? Most of the time when we hear of leg problems like lameness it is because of a niacin deficiency and can be treated by supplementing, You will need to get 150 mgs of "plain" niacin and start putting it into their drinking water or sprinkling it on their feed. Or get some Nutritional yeast and sprinkle it on their feed. 1 Tab per 1 cup of feed they will need this till 10 weeks old daily. If you decide you want to use niacin instead of BY or can't find either you can also use B complex as long as there is at least 125 mgs of niacin in each capsule or tablet.

Usually once they are started on the niacin supplement it doesn't take long till they are up walking again. 3-7 days.

i would also look on the bottoms of its feet for any cuts or bumbles
@Josiecast Your setup looks pretty good other than leaving them in there with out protection form preds that can climb or stick their arms through the chicken wire and try and pull your ducks through is not good. Poultry fencing will only keep your ducks inside not predators out. And for some reason ducks like to lay along fences so they are prime targets for raccoons

@Tevyes Dad can share his story with you.

Ask you dad to please add at least 2' of hard ware wire around the bottom up so nothing can reach inside and grab.

and you need something over the top secured down on your pen so climbers can get in or flying preds. Yes there is alot to do when it comes to keeping our pets safe but it's worth it in the long run.

I hope Popcorn begins to feel good too. Hopefully the niacin water will help him get on his legs. But here I was thinking you had babies and you have juvies. yes they are still ducklings but not tiny as I pictured them. So get them a small bucket to drink out of so they can dunk their heads drink their niacin water out of. Or a deep bowl for now if Popcorn can't stand long to drink out of a bucket.

Is you dad going to add a door on the front of your shed? I hope he does and if he is ask him to cut a nice size window in it for ventilation because they need good air flow inside their house. it can just be cut out with hard ware wire out over the hole[ 2] would be good one at top and one at mid the one at mid can be covered in winter if you get frigid temps but the one at top will let out moisture the ducks make and keep their house drier and warmer.

Lots to think about.

Keep us updated on Popcorn.

I like your stock tank too, dad going to build a nice wide ramp for them to use or is he going to sink it in the ground?
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Ok great! Here it is:

I don't think it has quite broken the membrane yet, but its definitely pushing on it. I see a little clear-ish area still between the duckling and the air cell, so he's still got a little ways to go. Good movement though! That's always a good sign! :)

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