Please help

Are you sure he didn't tell you 4-5 drops once a week for 3 weeks?
Well no he gave me a syringe that had a little less than 1cc in it. He told me to put it into a quart spray bottle and spray them every other day for 3 weeks. On the envelope that the syringe was in, he had written “ivermectin”. No strength or anything, just that word. When I called the clinic to find out the strength etc the lady that answered the phone laughed and said “oh I don’t know honey, he never writes anything down” so researching it here on BYC I have read where other members posting about putting ivermectin pour on , on their chickens in between their shoulder blades (4 or 5 drops) and again at 10 days
Do NOT start the Ivermectin. You are trying to kill the mites, not your birds. Use what the vet gave you on your birds, nothing else. You've done a good job with the coop. When the 10 days is up, spray it down again, but don't soak it. Don't overdo it, since the second time you are just trying to get the few nits that have hatched out, and they're not hard to kill.


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I have a rooster that is 2 uears old hes pooping green he still eats and drinks hes lost his tailfeathers i have ben giving him electrolytes mixing with gallon of water and ive ben spraying him with poultry protector hes not getting any better though what should i do please help i could use some advice hes ben like this for about 5 days

This time of year, it's normal for 2 year old chickens to lose their feathers. It's called molt. They lose all their feathers, not usually all at once, although some do. Normally it starts around the head/neck area, then works down toward the tail. Don't worry, they come back in. When he gets new feathers, there will be a white keratin coating, which flakes off.
christy, just keep an eye on their pooh. With molt, they can sometimes get a little diarrhea, and a bit of color change. If it does not return to normal, I would consider worming.
unbaked, since it is Ivermectin, you can spray them every 4 days to make it last. Don't saturate them, just mist.
So use the spray the vet gave me ? And every 4 days not the ivermectin I bought? I know you don’t read people’s minds but if all of these people have used ivermectin with good results why is it hurtful to use it? The only reason I wanted to use that was because it involves only 4 or 5 drops at the base of the neck versus having to hold them (by myself) and spray them from head to toe getting under all of those feathers, (the vet told me to make sure it made contact with the skin) it makes me a nervous wreck (and upsets them)
The ivermectin dosage is more like 2 drops per chicken between the shoulders on the backbone, where it is absorbed there. It only needs to be applied once, I am pretty sure. Check in a month, and you probably can use it again if you are seeing more lice on them. Diluting it (ivermectin) in a bottle of water and spraying the chicken all over would not work anyway. It is used undiluted where it is absorbed on the spinal area. You can get more at a feed store. It is called Ivomec and they may have another less expensive brand (Eprinex) if that is what you want to use. The permethrin dust or spray does have to be repeated at 10 day intervals on the part of the chickens that you see lice. There are several types of lice, and if yours only have the ones around and under the vents, then that is the area you treat. Some lice prefer the neck and under wings. Just see where they are on your chicken, and treat that area. Decide which is easier, the ivermectin or the permethrin and go with it.
I bought Durvet Ivermectin 250 ml on Amazon. I don’t know even if the mites. I know the vet said she was covered in lice and he even found them in her stool. It was a terrible experience, he was rude and I don’t even know the dose he gave to put in a quart spray bottle. I had to have her euthanized and I left the vets office without my little pet but did leave $275 of my money with him. When I checked my other 3 hens, I couldn’t see any mites or lice but I don’t see all that well and when you have a struggling chicken it is hard to see anything. So if I treat them one time it will kill lice, mites and nits? And put it along the neck only?
@unbaked pegga I'm very sorry to hear about your hen:hugs

Can you clarify something? You mentioned that you treated your coop and nesting boxes with Permethrin spray(?) did you also treat/spray your chickens too?

I agree with @Eggcessive determine what course of treatment you want to administer to your chickens and stick with that. You can use the Permethrin to treat them or you can use the Ivermectin, I would not use both at the same time.

If using Permethrin, you will need to re-treat your flock in 10-14days after your first treatment. Spray under the wings, around the vent, back of the neck, etc.

If using Ivermectin Pour On you would re-treat in 14days after your first treatment. Ivermectin Pour On should be administered to the back of a chicken's neck as follows:
1 drop for chicks or tiny chickens, 3 drops for bantams, 4 drops for lightweight birds, 5 drops for large birds and 6 drops for heavy weight birds.
Ivermectin is absorbed into the bloodstream, so an egg withdrawal (throw away period) should be followed. There is no really good information on withdrawal times, so throw away eggs for at least 14days after last treatment (you may want to research and find a timeline you are comfortable with).

I have never heard of diluting Ivermectin and using it as a spray. I'm not a vet, so can't say one way or another about that, but from everything I know and have read, it would be applied directly (undiluted) to the skin.

I hope all goes well for you. Keep us posted.
I really thank you for this clarifying information. To say I was flying blind is an understatement. I did not treat them with permethrin, I only cleaned the coop and drenched everything with 2 oz 36% permethrin in a gallon of water. Opened everything up and made sure it was bone dry before putting the hens back in. This vet caused me more grief than I can even write down. He first said she had an abdominal tumor. I insisted on an X-ray and he then said she had lung tumors, granulomas from the lice. So I will never know if she could have been saved. She was sick for sure, but since he never mentioned the abdominal tumor after the X-ray is very much troubling to me now

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