Please help


In the Brooder
Jun 24, 2018
I have a 2 week old chick that is panting very heavily and will not sit up. It rolls on its side and just lays panting, it shifts every once in a while. It does not look well for it, I’m sure it won’t make it for very much longer. I dropped some water droplets in its mouth to make sure it’s not dehydrated but it didn’t help. It’s never been as alert or energetic as it’s siblings, and is a bit smaller than them. I’ve seperated it from the rest. It seemed very warm so I cooled it off a bit but also didn’t help. Please tell me what to do, poor baby will peep once or twice when it sees me or is moved.
Update- chick is completely limp now and silent, still panting. It’s name is Todd :(
So sorry to hear this! I am u sure what could be the issue here but I thought I'd give it a try. Is Todd's vent clear? Meaning no pasty butt? Is it under a heat lamp? Has it been eating prior? Do the other pick on it? What does it's droppings look like? Bloody? Runny? None at all?
So sorry to hear this! I am u sure what could be the issue here but I thought I'd give it a try. Is Todd's vent clear? Meaning no pasty butt? Is it under a heat lamp? Has it been eating prior? Do the other pick on it? What does it's droppings look like? Bloody? Runny? None at all?
Vents clear, hasn’t had many droppings but they seem normal w/black and white, I have never seen the others bother eachother, I’d given them all fresh water and all 7 seemed fine, I left for 10 min to take care of the other chickens and came back to find him in that state. I have no clue what could’ve happened. Starting going down hill pretty fast since then, it just shook around a little bit and then flipped on it’s back just a second ago, I set him up right but Todd’s unable to move it’s head at all now.
I’m so sorry about little Tod. Is he still with us? If so, keep him in a warm place and see if he will drink. Feel his crop to see if it has emptied overnight. He may need to be treated for coccidiosis, if he made it through the night. If not, let’s see if we can help you prevent this from happening to another chick. Can you provide info on their living quarters, feed, etc? Did he have access to eat anything besides chick starter? If so, he may have ingested a toxin or gotten backed up if he did not have grit available to aid in digesting something other than feed. Could the others have kept him off feed?
I’m so sorry about little Tod. Is he still with us? If so, keep him in a warm place and see if he will drink. Feel his crop to see if it has emptied overnight. He may need to be treated for coccidiosis, if he made it through the night. If not, let’s see if we can help you prevent this from happening to another chick. Can you provide info on their living quarters, feed, etc? Did he have access to eat anything besides chick starter? If so, he may have ingested a toxin or gotten backed up if he did not have grit available to aid in digesting something other than feed. Could the others have kept him off feed?
I didn’t think it’d make it through the night but the little guys a fighter, its able to stand now but is very shaky and can’t keep its head up for too long, it’s not panting as hard and chirps now. There’s a few more dropping and crop seems okay from what I can tell. Looks like he might’ve tried to eat since some starter is powder now. Just helped it drink some. I keep them in a crate in my closet without a heat lamp, it stays between 85°-90° (I’m in az) when the door is shut. I keep a small fan on low for circulation. If the temperature outside is in range of what they need, I set them on the porch on a risen slab so most bugs can’t get in. Their cages get cleaned in the morning and at night and they get fresh water 3 times a day. They don’t have any bedding, just a short dish rack to perch on. Todd definitely is not deprived of food as most days I’d find him lounging in the food bowl, only chick starter. It’s funny you said coccidiosis, I recently gave the older chickens a preventative round of Corid maybe 4-5 weeks ago. I’m at such a loss, really sucks to watch the little guy struggle so hard, really wants to live.
Todd seems fine as of now, eating and drinking on its own, lots of chirping. Will put him back with siblings in a day or two.

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