Please help!

I have a 10 week old silkie who has always been the smallest of my chicks (smaller than my other silkie too) but now at 10 weeks she is much much smaller. She also doesn’t really do “chicken” things. I don’t see her pecking much, she won’t eat treats (all my other chicks eat treats like crazy) and she honestly just kind of stands there. She does move to eat and drink, and she’ll explore a little bit, but mostly just stands in the sun. She likes to be held, and will just stand and be pet. She seems kind of lethargic, but always has been like this. Is she malnourished, or not eating enough, or maybe being bullied away from the food from other chicks? Not sure why she’s way smaller than the other chicks, and doesn’t exert much energy. Thank you for your help!
You wrote she is the smallest of your chicks and smaller than your other Silkie - so you have different breeds together with your two Silkies? How many chicks do you have and keep together? It could be possible that the other breeds are bullying her. It may not be very obvious - no extensive pecking, no big pursuing, but it could be she is always/often hindered to eat (and perhaps even drink) in enough peace and in a sufficient amount in more subtle ways. It could be that that subtle behaviour is too much for her and she just retreats and kind of gives up (that she doesn't do much exploring and not much 'chicken things' makes me think of this possibility, too). How many food and water stations do you have for your chicks? If only one feeder and waterer I would recommend to place two more feeders and two more waterers far away from each other. So your little one would have a lot more options to get water and food because everyone and everything is far more spread and crowding around one feeder and waterer is more avoided.
You wrote she likes to be pet and held - I would do this often to give her comfort and reassurance. What do you feed - if you feed pellets you could soak them for her with a bit water and offer her that mash when you take her. Many chick(en)s love such mash and so she perhaps would eat a bigger amout of food.
If you observe closely and can see bullying making a only-Silkie coop and pen could perhaps also be an option.

Your little one looks very sweet - best wishes for her ❤️

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