Please I am begging!!! I really need help getting an A!


I must be crazy!
13 Years
Oct 5, 2007
My Coop
My Coop
This is a touchy subject...your money.

If you are still with me I appreciate it.

I am doing a project where I have to show that an idea will be profitable. In this instance, selling eggs to eat, hatching eggs, and chickens. I have to have sources for my information, basically people who are actually in the business.

If you are interested in helping me, but do not want your information for the world to see, please email or PM me.

Thank you for your time in reading this, and if you decide to answer the questions, thank you and I am very grateful.

1. Where do you live? General area of the country is fine.
2. How many chickens do you have?
3. What breeds do you have?
4. What do you sell? Eggs, birds, etc
5. How much do you charge?
6. Do you advertise, sell at health food stores, or a farmer's market?
7. When pricing your product did you take into count the cost of production? Housing?
8. Do you include the cost of your time in pricing?
9. Locally what do you pay for feed?

I think that should cover it. However, if you think of anything else please include it.

If you have gotten this far.....

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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I don't sell, so I can't answer your questionnaire. However, I would advise you to check out internet websites of those who do have a business. I'm sure that the majority of these people would be willing to help you out.

Good luck, and let us know what you're results are. This sounds like an interesting project.
1. Middle TN
2.77, 5 roosters and 72 hens
3.Multiple; Barred Rock, BO, RIR, Black Australorps, EE,Gold sex links, NHR,,and mutts.
6. Just a sign in front of the house and word of mouth
7.Not really
8.No, nobody could afford them( LOL)
9.Not sure, my husband buys the feed now, butit has gone up. Will check with him if you really want to know.
Middle Tennessee
2 Roosters, 15 Hens
Salmon Favrolle, Jersy Giant, Barred Rock, White Rock, EE, Buttercups, Black Australorps and 2 big ole meat hens that I just couldn't butcher
$3.00 Doz.
Word of mouth
I try to make enough to pay for feed, so I can breed rare breeds
No, because it's a hobby
$39.60 ($13.20 for 100lbs) Layer mash and about $5.00 flax seed a month
Hope this helps
1. Where do you live? General area of the country is fine.

Everett, WA

2. How many chickens do you have?

15-30, it varies

3. What breeds do you have?

A variety, sexlinks, cochin mixes, wyandotte mixes, a wyandotte, BR, RIR's, silkies... and more

4. What do you sell?

Eggs, birds, chicks, meat

5. How much do you charge?

Eggs: $3 a dozen
Meat: $3/lb
Live birds vary $3-15

6. Do you advertise, sell at health food stores, or a farmer's market?

Word of mouth.

7. When pricing your product did you take into count the cost of production? Housing?

Just feed... it's more hobby.

8. Do you include the cost of your time in pricing?

Nope, time is priceless and it's a hobby...

9. Locally what do you pay for feed?

$12-15 per #50 regular non organic feeds.

I break even on feed and that's about it.
Well...I am just getting sales...but here goes.

1.) South Eastern Indiana

2.) 44 hens, 14 Roosters, 1 Tom Turkey,2 Hen Turkeys.

3.) 14 BO hens,4 Banty Cochin Frizzle Hens, 2 Cornish/X hens, 1 Dom hen, 7 EE hens, 11 RIR/x hens, 3 Langshan hens,1 Pheonix Hen, 1 Salmon Faverole Hen. 3 RIR roo, 1 Banty Cochin Frizzle Roo, 3 Banty roo/x, 1 Cornish/x roo, 1 Cuckoo Maran roo, 1 Polish Roo, 2 BO roo's, 1 Pheonix Roo, 1 Langshan Roo, 1 Royal palm Tom, 1 RP hen, and 1 Bronze hen.

4.) I sell Chicken eggs, for food..$ 1.50/doz
Next spring...
5.)BO day olds = $3.00 ea.
8 wks = 7.00 ea
Point of lay Hens $15.00 ea. Roosters$10.00ea
Hatching eggs = $15.00/doz, plus shipping
Day olds $5.00 ea
8 wks old 10.00 hens 8.00 Roo.
POL 20.00 hens, 10.00 roo
Hatching eggs..$20.00 dozen, plus shipping
6.) I sell online here....word of mouth.
8.)Not the cost of time, but feed.
9.) Layer feed..pellets $10.90/50 lbs
cracked corn $6.50/50 pounds
scratch $12.00/50 pounds

Hope this helps!
1. Central Washington
2. 27 hens and 4 roosters and 50 chicks
3. Orpington, Austrolorp, buttercups, bantam cochin & crosses, silkies, Barred Rocks, Polish, Easter Eggers.
4. Usually I sell just eggs, birds every once in awhile
5. $3.00 a dozen for eggs and any were from free to 15.00 for birds
6. No word of mouth and I cant even keep up with that!
7. I try to, but it is more of a hobby for me. I don't charge 4-H kids.
8. No, I enjoy it so much I do it for free

9. In town I think I pay around 12.79 for one bag of feed #50.
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1. Kalispell, Mt.
2. 18 hens
3. 2 bantam turkens , 4 bantam barred rocks , 2 bantam brahmas , 3 rir , 3 barred rocks , 2 cornish broilers (ha ha ) , 2 red stars .
4. eggs
5. $1.00 for the small , $2.00 for the large , just enough to keep them in feed with a little left over when they're not moulting .
6. word of mouth
7. no .
8. no .
9. $10.99 per 50 lb bag , 4-5 bags a month .

With all the help on this forum , you're sure to get an A+ !!
1. Where do you live? General area of the country is fine.
2. How many chickens do you have?
3. What breeds do you have?
4. What do you sell? Eggs, birds, etc
5. How much do you charge?
6. Do you advertise, sell at health food stores, or a farmer's market?
7. When pricing your product did you take into count the cost of production? Housing?
8. Do you include the cost of your time in pricing?
9. Locally what do you pay for feed?

1. NW Florida i.e. "the Panhandle"
2. It varies;anywhere from 50-100 birds.
3. Heritage dual purpose breeds such as: Rhode Island and New Hampshire Reds, Buff Orpingtons,Delawares,Dominiques and some Wyandottes.
4. Eggs and meat
5. $2.25/doz large $2.00/lb.
6. I have a local delivery service since I have a small operating farm on 25 acres and I have a market garden,have 50+bee hives-so I have honey and wax to sell and I make cheeses from local goat and cow dairies.
7. Cost of feed,labor,shipping, maintenance,vetarnery services, upkeep and housing all factor in the cost of goods sold.
8. Answered above.
9. I free-range my poultry and grow dent corn,millet and quinoa(amaranth),and run those through a steel burr mill that I built myself out of scrounged parts. I haven't bought scratch nor feed in over a decade so I can't answer that.​

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