Please keep us in your thoughts... We had to put one of horses down...


12 Years
Sep 19, 2007
Thurmont, MD
This morning when I got up, Duncan our 25+ year horse was acting very strange. Our vet has been here all day. She discovered that he had a major impaction in his small intestines. She tried everything. Our 2 choices were very costly surgery or to euthanize him. She tried all kinds of pain meds and could not control his pain. Given his age and the seriousness of the situation, I opted to have him euthanized. So you have a 42 year old man, crying like a baby. My kids will not know until they get home from school. His storey is that he was a retired ranch horse from the mid-west that we purchased to allow him to live out his life. Anyone could ride him and he was a true gentlemen. I know some people would say he was just a horse, but he was a great horse that would let anyone ride him, pet him or take care of him. Even in his death, he was a gentleman. In all of his pain and all that the vet did to him, he was never unruly.
Good bye Sweet Duncan......

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I"m so sorry for your loss, he as beautiful. I've had to put horses down also, it is always so hard to do. We just had to put a 21yr old mare down , she broke her shoulder. I raised her from a baby, owned her dam and granddam. It just break your heart. A big hug coming your way.
Ah, Duncan, you were loved. Please pass along my love to Shyann and Skye. I lost them last year and it still hurts. Shyann was 39.

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