Please please help!

Sorry for your loss. You have 2 threads going at this time, so I would stick with this one as long as the problem is going on. Here is the first thread:

In your first thread you said the hens were 20 weeks old and just starting to lay. They should be becoming tolerant to coccidia in the soil. Look at your feed, smell it and note any off odor or blue green mold. Could they have gotten into rat poison or some other toxin, or could they have eaten something like glass or something sharp? I agree with @Wyorp Rock to get a necropsy by the state vet if you have a body, and keep it cold not frozen, until you can get it to your state vet. Sorry for your loss.
We can help you with a link to a State Lab for a Necropsy but, you don't have your location listed on your "about" profile.
Please tell us where you are in this vast world so someone can give you that link and help you.
Keep the body cold, not frozen like Eggcessive instructed.
Sorry to read about your chickens.
Please, more help... are there times where Corid doesn’t help? I feel fairly certain that this is Coccidiosis. Two already died. She’s hanging on but it doesn’t seem like the Corid is healing her intestines! Her stools are now almost all bloody because she’s not eating anything. I hate this because I feel powerless.. I’ve been trying to keep her hydrated... drops of electrolytes/Corid water... Her crop does feel/feel very full this morning. What can I do about that? She’s not even eating anythng.
First of all, I'm terribly sorry for the loss of your hens.
Did the hens eat something that they should've not eaten? something that probably has managed to enter their enclosure and get eaten?.

Or perhaps its a sour crop because the hens ate something toxic? is often confused with,down into the digestive system.

You can go ahead and read the link, its a webpage filled with information on crop diseases, and you can try to pinpoint the one that shows similarities with the symptoms.

But to be honest, crop bound seems to fit your symptoms because your hens died in a short amount of time, and that could've been an indication of a heart attack because the prop was pressing on the heart and lungs

I'm still new but il try my best to help you with the research sorry if this isn't that helpful
Don't use electrolytes while using Corid. Make sure you are making fresh Corid water every day. You can add doing a Corid Drench to the bird doing poorly. You may need to add a Sulfa drug to the Corid water
Please, more help... are there times where Corid doesn’t help? I feel fairly certain that this is Coccidiosis. Two already died. She’s hanging on but it doesn’t seem like the Corid is healing her intestines! Her stools are now almost all bloody because she’s not eating anything. I hate this because I feel powerless.. I’ve been trying to keep her hydrated... drops of electrolytes/Corid water... Her crop does feel/feel very full this morning. What can I do about that? She’s not even eating anythng.
Please post some photos of the pullets and poop.
Have you checked the crops to make sure they are empty in the morning?

I would not mix electrolytes with the Corid.
Corid liquid dose is 2 tsp per gallon of water and Corid powder is 1 1/2 tsp per gallon of water.
Make sure she's getting just the mixed Corid water.
Blood in the stool could be from Coccidiosis, possibly enteritis or the pullet may have something else going on.
I'm sorry about your pullet. The only way to know what happened with her is to send the body to your state lab for necropsy. Sometimes performing an informal home necropsy can reveal a few things as well.

You mentioned you have 2 more pullets acting sickly? Water coming back up?
Check to make sure their crop is empty first thing in the morning before they eat/drink.

What do you feed including treats?
Do you provide grit (crushed granite) and oyster shell free choice?
What's your temperature like - I don't see a location for you.
I'm sorry that you have lost another one.
Can you please post some photos of the poop, birds and housing?

As in your other thread, you mention spitting up water. Check their crop to see if it's emptying overnight.
Do you provide grit (crushed granite)?
The feed...I would go get a bag of fresh feed, take out the other. Even if you have to buy chick starter, buy the freshest mill date you can find.

Where are you located in the world?

I agree, losing them quickly...think if they may have gotten into anything toxic.
Some strains of coccidiosis can be resistant to Corid (amprollium.) Sulfa antibiotics can help, but most are only available through a vet unless you can get them from a pigeon dupplier.

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