Please post your duck pond pics!

Mine is not fancy at all, I got sick of them keeping me up all night and just put something up quick to get them outside!
Simple house from plywood, I'll have to figure out how to insulate it and keep them warm for the winter. But that can wait a few months. They're outside all day, and are only in at night and to swim.

I couldn't afford a pond liner, so they got a kiddie pool set in the ground. I'd like something bigger at some point. The filter is my version of a skippy filter. Right now it's really really dirty. I'm not sure how well this will work with so many in such a small pool. The pool is fairly clear till they stir it up. But the filter is very dirty. And I need to set it up higher as the geese reach in there and take out the plants!

I'm also going to plant some shrubs for shade, or something anyway. I have hollyhocks just coming up around the outside of the pen, not sure how I'll keep them from eating them. If they live they'll cover the fence and make it look nicer at least.



RHewitt, that looks so great..

we had a pond...when we first moved in here, slowly over time it's filled in a lot, with grass and such. I really wanna dig it out, it's right next to our creek. i SO badly want to dig a small stream so the pond wouldn't be standing water, lol.

I'm Jealous
I do like the skippy filter, but I keep losing my plants! The keep forgetting how long my rouen's neck has gotten. He recently gobbled up a new duckweed culture I bought.
he.gif is bad to forget about those long necks....just ask Cheyenne who recently lost half of a cheese sandwich to a long neck, standing up in the pool and jumping slightly...snatched it right away and 10 other ducklings HAD IT!
Figured she would have learned from the chickens who steal everything she, grapes, eggs, sandwiches, veggies, apples, ice cream....they knocked it right off the cone one day. Silly kid.

they are all fuzzy feathered cute heathens....I trust NONE of them I tell you!

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