Please post your duck pond pics!

In mine there is a pump in the water. The water goes through a hose in to the bottom of my filter container and there are outlet holes on the top. Inside the container is a bunch of pieces of biodegradable furnace filter. The filter pieces are home to the bacteria that "eat" the ammonia from the duck poo.

Plants on top can help clean the water further and help keep algae down...if your ducks don't eat them all that is


Any suggestions on what would make good duck-resistent landscaping plants? They eat all the naturally growing plants (mostly clover and fescue). I still haven't put in the pavers but I'm almost finished with the duck house you see in the picture.

I ran across a list of plants that are the "most" duck hardy, I haven't tried them yet. It will probably be a few years before I really put them to the test. Our pond is about 3 acres, a wild spring fed pond surrounded by grass and pond weed. One day I hope to build some serious waterfowl enclosures, and they'll have landscaped ponds in them.

I didn't create this list, I found it. So I can't claim credit(or responsibilty) for it. Might be a good idea to look up the toxicity levels for ducks.

Ducks and geese will eat almost any plant, especially if it is the only vegetation around. The following plants seem to be the most indestructible and hardy if planted in a waterfowl pen:

In their pen: ground ivy (Glechoma hederacea), silverweed (Potentilla anserina), camomile species (Matricaria), large leafed butterbur (Petasites).
On pond edge: day lilies (Hemercallis), yellow iris (Iris pseudacorus), tall perennial grass euialia (miscanthus).
For nests: stinging nettle, butterur and smartweed
Protection from wind and sun: Low growing conifers, Chinese Juniper, Dwarf Pine

rlhbond ---- I'm REALLY diggin' that pond setup you have with the draining system. AWESOME !! I printed the picture to show my Dad --- he's SO handy, maybe he can do something similar for me and my Mom.

What a fantastic job --- Gwen
The best duck-proof landscaping is herbs. The other plants they will avoid, tend to be ones that are poisonous. I keep all the duck-edible plants behind a fence, so they can't get to them. They don't seem to bother the ones that are supposedly poisonous, but I suppose they might if it is all they had. I have also noticed that if they have enough grass/clover forage, they won't bother even the plants that are edible. Long story short -- I think herbs are the best bet because they are safe and yet not palatable to them.
we recently got a garden tub that we want to make into a pond so we can have something bigger for ours. right now they have a kiddie pool. any tips on drainage and filtering?
Some of the plants I just got for my duck enclosure is lilirope aka monkey grass, and other forms of grasses that do well in wet areas. I also bought some aussie willow cuttings. These trees can grow to be 60 feet tall BUT you can trim them and train them to say small.

I love this thread!!


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