Please Post Your Pics Of Landscaping Around Your Coop.

I, like the rest of you certainly would enjoy some ideas. I think once the construction of our coop and run is complete there is nothing but a muddy mess and I would certainly like it to look nice once everything is finished. Also, are there plants the chickens will not likely tear up and destroy but that they might enjoy the bugs from? (hostas, herbs..etc.)
This thread is a good one--Please post pictures of your landscaping.
This was my first winter with the chickens and since it wasn't a really cold one-the ground never truly froze and my 5 chickens have totally ruined my backyard, they emptied out all of my flower pots, they have dug up bushes, they dug holes in my grass. I am looking foward to spring to regain some sort of order in my yard.
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I have only just begun getting the plants for mine. I am looking for flowering bushes and vines to run around it. Plants that will come back each year and take minimal effort to maintain. I did add black oil sunflowers though, not for anything other then growing my own treats for my birds. I have not looked into them yet, but I am also thinking about cannas (spelling). I need to look at that google list of bad plants for chickens.
I am not sure I will even use edging. I have some that I can use, it was purchased for our front garden and never used. I also have a ton of bricks I can use for edging. We have wood heat so mulch is not a problem either. There is a ton of bark remnants near the wood pile from us chopping wood last summer.
I really like the look of things when you reuse materials you already have. I'm just lazy and have not actually started it yet.......
Love the snow photo! Reminds me of many a winter day in my Wisconsin hometown! What a great post! I don't have any landscaping yet-will start in a month. But I'm thinking of doing some year round greens like ivy, pansy, and camelia bushes (it's pretty mild in NC during the winter) I will also do some window boxes of assorted flowers and would like to plant some pots of marigolds that they can eat and I can refill.
I will also do some window boxes of assorted flowers and would like to plant some pots of marigolds that they can eat and I can refill.

Oh, I love the window box idea! They'd be up high, so the girls couldn't wreck them. I also like the refillable pots idea.

I'm thinking of trying Malabar spinach. It's not a true spinach, but used the same. It's a climbing vine. I want to plant it on the outside of the run, but they'll be able to snatch beakfuls through the hardware cloth, or I can grab a handful and toss it in for them.

Now, I'm getting excited for Spring! Hope someone will post pictures of what they've done with landscaping around their coop.
This is an awesome thread! Too bad there aren't any pictures yet... LOL My coop is still under construction, but I too want the outside to look nice. I have asked to have a small deck built off the front of it. Just 5 feet off the front. This way I can put a couple chairs there, and some planters with flowers in them. I also plan on finding some nice wind chimes. I like decorative stuff like that. Here is a picture of my coop, still under construction, and under that a cool planter I think will look nice on my little deck (If they build it) I bought 2 of the planters, I am one of those people that feels I need to have everything in pairs! I will probably get a few bigger planters, and maybe ones for the windows too. :)

Another thing I am going to work on is making a "barn quilt" for the side of their coop. I was going to get like a 12 inch by 12 inch square piece of wood and find a neat quilt pattern and paint it on the side, varnish it, then hang it on the side of the coop.

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