Please send healing vibes for Petey.

Hey guys I have an update on Petey.

His shoulder is very swollen. I'd love to take him to a vet but there are no chicken vets in the city. Maybe that's the line of work I should get into

I made a temporary pen for Priscilla, the girl who lived to ensure she really is okay. As an experiment I put peteys crate in there. He came right out to see her. He's been standing and even paced around a bit. He looked highly interested in the pan of water, but at the last second decided not to drink it. His good eye is wide open, and his bad eye is completely shut. I actually am begining to have some hope! He seemed like he wanted to give up, but now that he is back with his girl, it seems he wants to start healing. I know he should probably stay in his crate, but geeze, watching him WALK almost made me tear up. He will sleep in the house for the next few weeks though. And I I don't see him drink by morning, I'll have to force him- I didn't want to do that because I worried I'd stress and hurt him....
That's awesome!! If you need to make him drink, get an eye dropper and place it at the side of his mouth and let a drop or so come out on to his beak on the side. He will drink at it even if it is just annoying him, but he will at least get some fluids. I had to do that with Montana who is in the Chicken ER right now due to a bad leg injury. She wasn't drinking at all so I grabbed the eye dropper, did it a few times, she was pretty thirsty, and it kicked in her wanting to drink. I still do it now and then to make sure she is getting some fluid. She gets annoyed with me and will bite it if she really doesn't want anymore
For the bites I would get him on some penicillian, animal bites are nasty for infection. The rest would just be TLC. Add vitamins to his water, I wouldn't mess with him too much until he's out of shock. Poor boy, what a fighter.
Aww....bless their little hearts. Go Petey go boy!! I hope you can get him to drink a little bit. Although, I bet by tomorrow he will be doing it on his own. He actually looks remarkably stable for what the poor dude has been through.
Thanks guys, where would I get pennicillin?

He's somewhat stable on his feet. He's mostly just been standing but he walks a little too. When he gets moving too fast he does wobble and fall over. I've been trying so hard to get him to drink but he's fighting me every step of the way. I let the water drip down his beak and it gets into his mouth, then he just let's it drip out. I'm trying to do a mixture of electrolytes and anti-biotics. He has not eaten. That's okay. I'm not too worried if he goes a day without eating.
His eye is starting to get very swollen. It wasn't like that this morning. Is it normal for swelling to happen this late?
I pulled him out of his crate to make him drink and he fought me and jumped out of my arms and waltzed back into his crate. Must be a good sign.
I think your vibes are working but I'm not holding too much hope.
Hi! This is an amazing thread on the Andy Vardy Backyard Poultry site about caring for a rooster that had been thrashed (by another rooster in this case). His eyes were REALLY bad, but turns out there was still an eyeball in them:

You'll need to sign up to the site to see the photos. It is extremely useful and informative.

Re: Petey's eye, flush it out with saline. Poor poor boy, and poor you. Best of luck with the little booger, I'll be checking in to see how he is.

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