Please send healing vibes for Petey.

I am using tetracycline diluted in water right now. Trying to keep the eye clean. So far I have no oozing puss on his one puncture wound so that's good. I haven't done any injections- I don't have a needle..
HURRAY!!! Baby steps, baby steps.
Hang in there are doing a fantastic job caring for Petey.
I am glad to hear Petey has started to drink! That is a great sign! My fingers are crossed he pulls threw!

Hang in there Aubrey, you are doing a great job taking care of Petey!
Prayers for Petey and you.

I hate raccoons; it looks like one is trying to set up a latrine right outside our run. I intend to kill it, and I'll dedicate it to poor Petey.
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Many years ago I had an injured hen with eyes swollen and crusted shut for weeks. I actually thought she would be blind.
A chicken pretty much needs to see to be able to eat, so you might have to force feed Petey.
Wrap him with a towel, take a little tiny piece of egg. Try to open his beak gently, and push the piece of food in.
I had to do this with my hen for a few weeks, after a while her eyes opened back up.
When she started to feel better I'd take a little container of yogurt mixed with some of her food, and dip her beak into it, if I held it under her beak she would eat it on her own.

Good luck Petey!

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