Please send healing vibes for Petey.

Poor Petey.
Yes, he is a great roo, protecting his girls like that. I'm saying prayers that he'll come through alright.
I hope you are able to find a way to keep out those raccoons.
just checking in on Petey, I actually had sugary today on my knee and when I got back from the hospital a few hours ago, i told DH to turn computer on so I could check on you two! I did a big yyippy
when i saw he drank!!! GOOD BOY PETEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GOOD GIRL AUBREY!!!! I am so proud of you! this is taking its toll on youI am sure, but you are doing one hell of a job sister! keep it up. pretty soon you will be able to kick back with a sigh of relief and watch him run around. I am sure he wont be bibting you anymore.
Hey guys, thanks for Alllllll of the support.

I ended up just buying a masterlock for the door. I hope I never lose the key. I hung one up on the coop by a string and put one on top of the fridge. ( okay it's written so if I forget I'll just come here!) if I get a coon that knows how to insert a key into a lock, unlock the padlock, take padlock off latch, unlatch first lock, then unlatch the second latch- well I'd just plain give up.

Fishnet I am so sorry to hear about your surgery! I hope you have a speedy recovery.

I went to lake Tahoe today in hopes of getting some relaxation, but I thought about Petey the whole time. When I got home he was perching on his water tin. I brought him in the house. Both eyes are swollen shut and oozing white puss. His crop is full so even if he couldn't see he was eating. His girl's leg is swollen so she gets to come in tonight too. I pulled out a large box so they could both fit. He's starting to smell very badly.
Saw this pretty boy's picture on here one time and I was gasping when I opened this. Sending many healing vibes and thoughts/prayers his way. Hoping he pulls through. LOVE YOU FEATHERED FRIEND!

With support from all of the flock-
Lady, Lucy, Lily, Lana, Cracker Jr., Squirt, Pepper, Red, Ginger, Biscuit, Gloria, Pickles, and the recovering Henny Penny


Keep us updated!
Thanks you guys. With his head so swollen I am not holding much hope
is it possible he could have gotten a respiratory infection through the attack?
I don't think so, probably tissues are swollen from trauma. Maybe apply ice inside a face cloth for a little while would help bring the swelling down. I am rooting for you, Petey!
Thank you! I am really appreciating all of the healing vibes! But why would his good eye swell shut two days later? I worry this is going to ruin his progress since he can't see now
Yes, he absolutely has a secondary infection. After a severe trauma a chicken will often get a disease - for example, the rooster in the link I sent you developed fowl pox shortly after being thrashed. Petey sounds really really sick. I would get some Tylan.

Also, you must gently squeeze the pus (very gently) from his eyes. Try soaking a pad of thick paper in warm saline and place it over his eye. Then use a cotton bud to push the pus out. You might want to investigate if the pus had spread to his sinus. It probably will as it will drain that way.

A further tip - antibiotic cream for eyes. I used that on my chicken with a bad eye. The chemical name for the type I used is Chloramphenicol (I don't know the brand name in the U.S. - here it is called 'chlorsig'). Chloramphenicol is used frequently on chickens as a preventive antibiotic. I used it on my sick chook and it was brilliant. I got a script from my doctor for it...let's just say I had an eye infection the same time the chicken did...

Poor poor Petey. Good luck!
I thought I would offer you a tip regarding Petey's eyes. I found a kitten in the crawl space under my house that had a terrible infection in both eyes. They were swollen, crusted shut and oozing pus. I took it to the vet who prescribed an eye ointment, and then told me that if I ran out of ointment to just use neosporin, as it has the same active ingredient. You can try washing the eyes gently with a warm wet paper towel or cloth, and smear generously with neosporin 3 times a day. If you can open his eye and get the neosporin inside that is better, but if you can only get it on the outside it's a start. The goal is to get it into the tear duct if possible. The kitten I treated had clear eyes after about 10 days of this treatment. Good luck. I hope he pulls through.

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