Please show me close ups of your slanted roof


Just got a call from a contractor friend of mine that he has scrap metal roofing left over from a job that I can have for free. He turned me onto some "self-expanding foam" that works the way that the foam spacers do, just industrial grade to make sure all the cracks are covered.

My $300 roof just dropped to about $20. Yesssss.....
Hey all, sorry for being MIA after bumping this thread. We have been going full steam (well... With 4 kids as full steam as we possibly can lol) on this hen house! Ours is a 12x16 hen house with a slanted roof and I was stuck on how to attach the roof to the walls, but I believe we are figured it out after looking at the close up pics of some of the roofs. But IF what we drew and thought out doesn't work, we will just get the Simpson hardware to attach the pieces together! I just got a couple more windows from a yard sale FB page for $25 so I was happy. I want as much ventilation as I can get in there. After reading sooo many coop builds it seems the 2 biggest issues folks have are not enough windows for ventilation and they wish they would have built a bigger one. So I'm trying to get it right the first time bc this isn't something we can build again lol! Thanks for thinking of helping us out though haha... I think my hubby's friend may come out tomorrow and help some too. I'll post pics when I'm done. So far we just have a couple pics of leveling being done and the floor joists being put in. We just finished laying the plywood on floor. We have fully feathered chicks, about 12 weeks, in garage... 24 of them!! I have maxed out what I can come up with as temporary for them! So it def needs to get done within the week! Because any longer and I'll go mad, plus hubby will have to return from his leave and it goes faster with two people lol!
I am in the same spot.  Chickens are 9 weeks old and need to get out of the basement.
We have the plans and have started the coop but finishing is right now not in sight. Panic is setting in!

Mine are 9 weeks today and still in the house. Coop will be done tomorrow, thank god! If all goes well.. haha Mine are gonna be sad when they go out to the coop cause they literally watch tv from their brooder. I was joking with my fiance that we are gonna have to install satellite out there for them. :)
I stood my 2x6's on their sides and spiked them down good to the top of my walls. I have a 10 inch overhang on front and back. Then added boards 2 feet apart then screwed my metal roofing to it. My eves are all open and covered well in hardware cloth to keep predators out.
Does anyone think it would be bad to try to use the 3ft ends I would cut off the 8ft panels overlapped to make another 5 foot length? As long as I made the overlap correctly as a shingle on the slope?

that way I could get away with just two of these panels instead of three.

I would! If we run into that same issue for the roof I would do it. I keep telling myself "it's a chicken coop" so if things aren't exactly perfect I'm not going to stress about it. I think as long as you have something to nail it into so it's not flapping around in the wind, you are good to go!
Hubby made the side walls with the correct slope.

He built the front and back walls such that the horizontal top beam had had the same slope as the side walls (by cutting the top end of the vertical 2x4 studs and mounting it on the angled cut). The walls were bolted to the foundation and each other and then the rafters were nailed in place. By building it this way, the rafters are flush with the top beams of all the walls and there are no open angles because the rafters sit at an angle on otherwise horizontal beams.

You can see the edge rafter on the top of the wall in this pic. The wall is painted white and the rafter isn't painted.
I don't know if anyone is still watching this thread, but I want to know about the expanding foam for the eaves. What is it and where do you get it?

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