Please sign this petition against TSCs new brooders

Can you please edit your post for language? This is a family site. I do agree he's got a tude. I thought when he said they reached out to him they were gonna say cease and desist but they generally addressed his concerns
I'm only going to edit my post because you asked nicely. But that's not really a bad word, considering what I have seen young people post on this site. And yes, they addressed his concerns. My problem with Mr pompas is that he is demanding a major corporation bend to his will. Asking for data about comparing deaths, they don't have to share that. I understand him caring about the animals but there has been a lot going on behind the scenes at TSC offices that he has no idea about. Getting these new brooders was not a spur of the moment decision for TSC. Honestly, he's lucky they even talked to him
I'm only going to edit my post because you asked nicely. But that's not really a bad word, considering what I have seen young people post on this site
I appreciate it. I know some people have said worse but we should always be aware that there are some young children that use this site as well. We need to be good patrons as well as educators in the BYC spirit❤
Height of arrogance to believe they "fixed things" due to a petition with a few thousand signatures. They fixed things because it was having a substantial impact on their bottom line, across the entire poultry-related product SKUs. It was merely good PR to offer an "attaboy" to a noise maker on social media (and an effort at re-exercising some control over their Brand messaging)
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I'm only going to edit my post because you asked nicely. But that's not really a bad word, considering what I have seen young people post on this site. And yes, they addressed his concerns. My problem with Mr pompas is that he is demanding a major corporation bend to his will. Asking for data about comparing deaths, they don't have to share that. I understand him caring about the animals but there has been a lot going on behind the scenes at TSC offices that he has no idea about. Getting these new brooders was not a spur of the moment decision for TSC. Honestly, he's lucky they even talked to him
Well technically they didnt have to do anything. You will notice one of the people on the zoom chat was their "social media manager". Meeting with him and addressing his particular concerns was a means of social media marketing and nothing more. However the efforts they are taking to address the situation are because of general concern from their shoppers and shareholders. This could have been a huge fiasco for the company if PETA got involved and would potentially prevent them from selling live animals in the future. Sure this jerk may not have had a right to demand answers but he also doesnt strike me as someone who understands politics.
... When a job becomes just a job, and once the honeymoon phase is lost from working there 8 hours a day people just go to getting by....
Some do but many people have enough integrity to do their jobs even when they aren't in a dream job.
If you watched the above video you will know that our petition DID work. TSC is addressing the issues with the brooders by:
Monitoring the inside temperature with thermometers in each brooder

A shift Chick Captain who watches the birds

Employees all wearing ear pieces to monitor bird health

Installing puppy pee pads under the grates to insulate the floor

Putting up signage for transparency to all customers

I'm sure theres more that I missed but while the man who started the petition didnt feel all his questions were answered our collective concerns have been addressed and are being looked into. Thank you everyone who helped with this cause. While we did have some nay sayers, I think we proved a point that something as simple as a petition CAN make change. I urge you all to keep an eye out for those birds so they stay happy and healthy. I'm very happy that TSC is trying to do the right thing.
And I am still a nay sayer to that petition. I don't think it "worked" as they would be working the kinks out of using it in their stores anyway.
Some do but many people have enough integrity to do their jobs even when they aren't in a dream job.

And I am still a nay sayer to that petition. I don't think it "worked" as they would be working the kinks out of using it in their stores anyway.
I believe it worked and the chicks are better off now because of the actions TSC is taking to address concerns. Thats the biggest thing because my concern was for the baby chicks, not whether or not I can convince you. Believe what you will but I decided several pages ago that it was not possible to convince you and not worth my time. My point was asking for "like minded people" to sign. Unfortunately you and I dont quite see eye to eye. Its unfortunate but I hope at some point in the future we can find common ground and find something we both agree on. :thumbsup:highfive:
I think that things could be better.....for example, I could see how the floors would be an issue with the holes in them and caught toes, but I think that everything else is just a learning curve issue, as sad as it is that there are lives hanging in the balance. Whenever you introduce something new to a large group of people, there will be issues and mistakes regardless of what's actually being introduced. I came into this thread completely neutral as I've never been to a TSC during chick days (our TSC runs are few and far between for large bales of pine shavings, in which we buy a lot and don't go back for a while) because the nearest TSC (or farm store in general) is 45 minutes away with almost no traffic. I will say that maybe taking a less passive aggressive tone with your approach might help you out a bit, I think that that's part of what swayed me toward letting things be.
I think that things could be better.....for example, I could see how the floors would be an issue with the holes in them and caught toes, but I think that everything else is just a learning curve issue, as sad as it is that there are lives hanging in the balance. Whenever you introduce something new to a large group of people, there will be issues and mistakes regardless of what's actually being introduced. I came into this thread completely neutral as I've never been to a TSC during chick days (our TSC runs are few and far between for large bales of pine shavings, in which we buy a lot and don't go back for a while) because the nearest TSC (or farm store in general) is 45 minutes away with almost no traffic. I will say that maybe taking a less passive aggressive tone with your approach might help you out a bit, I think that that's part of what swayed me toward letting things be.
I think that things could be better.....for example, I could see how the floors would be an issue with the holes in them and caught toes, but I think that everything else is just a learning curve issue, as sad as it is that there are lives hanging in the balance. Whenever you introduce something new to a large group of people, there will be issues and mistakes regardless of what's actually being introduced. I came into this thread completely neutral as I've never been to a TSC during chick days (our TSC runs are few and far between for large bales of pine shavings, in which we buy a lot and don't go back for a while) because the nearest TSC (or farm store in general) is 45 minutes away with almost no traffic. I will say that maybe taking a less passive aggressive tone with your approach might help you out a bit, I think that that's part of what swayed me toward letting things be.
I dont think I was being passive aggressive but then again I cant control how people read things and formulate opinions. I try to use my emojis so people will understand what I'm saying and not take it the wrong way. But...they do anyway. People read what they want to read the way they want to read it. :idunno
I'm kind of glad I missed this entire thread.

If you don't want to sign the petition, don't. Personally, I think the deaths of the chicks are more related to operator error and delayed shipping, but I don't think there's any harm in trying.

At some point, can generations just get a long a little better here? It has been this way since the beginning of time, the younger generation is lazy, is stupid, is unrealistic and wearing rose colored glasses.

This has always been wrong and will always be wrong. Millennials are accused of being "social media warriors" who can enact no real change simultaneously with someone else blaming them for not spending enough money in this industry or that industry because they don't practice fair trade or are unethical and as a result this company is going out of business. You cannot have it both ways.

We are all just trying to navigate this crazy world as best we can, change the things that we can (and maybe even try to change the things that we can't) and hope that things are always just a little better, in some way for someone, tomorrow. Maybe that's done through signing petitions, maybe boycotts, maybe protests or maybe something else. Trying something to improve a situation you find unacceptable is always better than trying nothing, regardless of whether it is effective or not.

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