Please sign this petition against TSCs new brooders

This is exactly what I have observed at the local TSC. Once the system was tweaked after the initial shipment, all chicks seem to be warm enough.
If it is indeed operator error TSC still should pay attention and look into it. TSC typically hires teens at least in our area. Its run like a McDonald's. The level of give a ____ is too low for these people. Oh sure theres a few employees who actually care but they are much older. There shouldnt be any room for operator error when you are willing to hire people who just dont care about their job or the animals. And say what you will about petitions but if it weren't for them Sonic the Hedgehog would still have creepy human teeth.
I think there's a generation gap at play here.
The younger generation is all about change and social media etc.
You all haven't lived as long as some of us others and saw how the world worked in a different time and how some things don't change.
Some of us older members have different views about social media and probably how impactful it can be.
This change you want to make is social media driven and this petition seems like the answer to you.
The older ones that would take a different route and even the one that called so many hypocrites see this as a business and the only way to change a business or get their attention is by cutting into their dollars.
We are more prone to skip a petition and just not support or give our money to a company that we do not agree with or agree with there practices.
I really dont appreciate being lumped in as "the younger generation" here. What exactly is "the younger generation"; any one not a baby boomer? And I'm sorry but when did the "greatest generation" decide theres no point in fighting for what you believe in and just better bend over and take it? I read of a time when you were told you had to go to war and instead you protested and spread free love. Its not about "generations" its about whether your young and optimistic or old and bitter. Im in my thirties and I'll admit Covid has ruined my sense of optimism but I still care deeply about animals and I still think its important to stand up for their welfare. To just take the stance of "well its gonna happen anyway and nothing will change that"...well death is gonna happen anyway so should you just sit on the couch and wait for it to happen? Or should you get up and enjoy life, maybe try to delay the inevitable? In all due respect I would appreciate the nihlism be left at the door
If it is indeed operator error TSC still should pay attention and look into it. TSC typically hires teens at least in our area. Its run like a McDonald's. The level of give a ____ is too low for these people. There shouldnt be any room for operator error when you are willing to hire people who just dont care about their job or the animals.

I know many of the people at my local TSC. In this instance caring was not the problem. It was adjusting to a new system and ramping things up. Generalizing about folks that we don't know is a form of prejudice.
I went to my local TSC yesterday. I saw one dead chick in the new brooder but what I also saw was lots of little kids running around trying to grab and scare the chicks but they couldn't because of the new brooders. I personally like the new system. Everything new takes practice, training, and learning. Maybe if TSC trained their employees about the new brooders before they got the chicks in, it would have helped. The chicks seemed happy to me, eating and drinking and being chicks🤷
I know many of the people at my local TSC. In this instance caring was not the problem. It was adjusting to a new system and ramping things up. Generalizing about folks that we don't know is a form of prejudice.
I suppose you are correct. I apologize for an hypocrisy. I know the caliber of the employees at my TSC though. They experience a very high turnover rate and show a lack of ambition for their work. This is more of a general observation however. Either way the company is responsible for properly training their employees on any and all equipment. It is good you are not having this issue at your local store
As a young person, I'd love to work at somewhere like TSC so I can properly educate people while being caring and passionate about chickens. It sounds like great fun, and kind of unexpected too.
As with any job people tend to get complacent. Not to say that will happen to you but Ive noticed in my young life the longer I worked at a job that wasnt my dream the more I began to hate it. I used to work a job where I helped people with disabilities but the more I worked there the more I felt like a glorified babysitter. That job was almost my settle job but I finally had enough when they brought in someone who repeatedly stole from the clients and did nothing about it. Luckily I dont have to settle anymore because I finally landed my dream job but just making a comparison as to why some folks get complacent. When a job becomes just a job, and once the honeymoon phase is lost from working there 8 hours a day people just go to getting by. Its unfortunate but its the truth. I like seeing older folks working at TSC because I know they work there because they want to. We have one guy that works at our TSC that loves chick days. He always sings a little song when he goes to get the chicks for people. Lately I havent heard him singing much.😕
There's always more to a story than meets the eye.

There are many factors that go into the equation, from hatching of the egg to chick going to a new home.

Even though I am new here and new to owning chickens, there are a few things I do know...and therefore, I believe the petition is not focused on the actual problem.
As with any job people tend to get complacent. Not to say that will happen to you but Ive noticed in my young life the longer I worked at a job that wasnt my dream the more I began to hate it. I used to work a job where I helped people with disabilities but the more I worked there the more I felt like a glorified babysitter. That job was almost my settle job but I finally had enough when they brought in someone who repeatedly stole from the clients and did nothing about it. Luckily I dont have to settle anymore because I finally landed my dream job but just making a comparison as to why some folks get complacent. When a job becomes just a job, and once the honeymoon phase is lost from working there 8 hours a day people just go to getting by. Its unfortunate but its the truth. I like seeing older folks working at TSC because I know they work there because they want to. We have one guy that works at our TSC that loves chick days. He always sings a little song when he goes to get the chicks for people. Lately I havent heard him singing much.😕
A big part of it is also customer service. After high school, I worked at Petsmart for quite a few years. I thought it would be cool to work with the birds, fish, and reptiles. It was cool. Until the store opened and the customers came in. People are a$$holes, there is no other way to say it. Not that that is an excuse to not care for the animals but when you have very rude people you are dealing with, it makes you hate all aspects of the job
A big part of it is also customer service. After high school, I worked at Petsmart for quite a few years. I thought it would be cool to work with the birds, fish, and reptiles. It was cool. Until the store opened and the customers came in. People are a$$holes, there is no other way to say it. Not that that is an excuse to not care for the animals but when you have very rude people you are dealing with, it makes you hate all aspects of the job
That's the only thing I'm worried about. :oops:

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