Please sign this petition against TSCs new brooders

A big part of it is also customer service. After high school, I worked at Petsmart for quite a few years. I thought it would be cool to work with the birds, fish, and reptiles. It was cool. Until the store opened and the customers came in. People are a$$holes, there is no other way to say it. Not that that is an excuse to not care for the animals but when you have very rude people you are dealing with, it makes you hate all aspects of the job
My first job I ever had I had a woman chuck a tomato at me because she was mad she wasn't getting her burger for free. My second one I had to stand for 8 hours with only a 15 minute break and had to watch people lick their lips while they decided on what they wanted to order. Customer service sucks in general. Retail is alway better than fast food but you still have to deal with people who get mad for no reason and steal. I frequently caught people stealing at the Adidas store I worked at. Probably at least one person a day. Including bad checks people would try to get away with
My first job I ever had I had a woman chuck a tomato at me because she was mad she wasn't getting her burger for free. My second one I had to stand for 8 hours with only a 15 minute break and had to watch people lick their lips while they decided on what they wanted to order. Customer service sucks in general. Retail is alway better than fast food but you still have to deal with people who get mad for no reason and steal. I frequently caught people stealing at the Adidas store I worked at. Probably at least one person a day. Including bad checks people would try to get away with
I don’t care what field. Banking healthcare retail it doesn’t matter anytime you have to deal with the general public you have to deal with pricks and butt holes of all shapes colors and sexes.
I used to say every one should be required to work with the general public for a couple years after high school. Guarantee it would cut down on the hatefulness and thoughtlessness.
Saying that I don’t think this is an equipment issue. My local feed store has had one similar for decades and used it very successfully.
I actually disagree that working with the public would decrease the hatefullness. I've worked at a pizza store since I was old enough to legally and I've only grown more bitter towards people as the time has gone on.

As for the tsc brooders, the ones at least at my store are great. Less dead chicks and they're easier to see and check out which ones you want. Plus they are kept drier since they can't fall in the water easily
I actually disagree that working with the public would decrease the hatefullness. I've worked at a pizza store since I was old enough to legally and I've only grown more bitter towards people as the time has gone on.

As for the tsc brooders, the ones at least at my store are great. Less dead chicks and they're easier to see and check out which ones you want. Plus they are kept drier since they can't fall in the water easily
I agree with this statement. My working with customers has only led me to hate them to my core. I have clients now that are demanding but not awful but I have my few that I'm openly mean to and they still come back because I'm that good at what I do. They never learn though. They still treat me like garbage from the minute they walk in and are treated like garbage by me until they walk out. But I've earned the ability to pick and choose that way by skill
I really dont appreciate being lumped in as "the younger generation" here. What exactly is "the younger generation"; any one not a baby boomer? And I'm sorry but when did the "greatest generation" decide theres no point in fighting for what you believe in and just better bend over and take it? I read of a time when you were told you had to go to war and instead you protested and spread free love. Its not about "generations" its about whether your young and optimistic or old and bitter. Im in my thirties and I'll admit Covid has ruined my sense of optimism but I still care deeply about animals and I still think its important to stand up for their welfare. To just take the stance of "well its gonna happen anyway and nothing will change that"...well death is gonna happen anyway so should you just sit on the couch and wait for it to happen? Or should you get up and enjoy life, maybe try to delay the inevitable? In all due respect I would appreciate the nihlism be
I really dont appreciate being lumped in as "the younger generation" here. What exactly is "the younger generation"; any one not a baby boomer? And I'm sorry but when did the "greatest generation" decide theres no point in fighting for what you believe in and just better bend over and take it? I read of a time when you were told you had to go to war and instead you protested and spread free love. Its not about "generations" its about whether your young and optimistic or old and bitter. Im in my thirties and I'll admit Covid has ruined my sense of optimism but I still care deeply about animals and I still think its important to stand up for their welfare. To just take the stance of "well its gonna happen anyway and nothing will change that"...well death is gonna happen anyway so should you just sit on the couch and wait for it to happen? Or should you get up and enjoy life, maybe try to delay the inevitable? In all due respect I would appreciate the nihlism be left at the door
The “Greatest Generation” usually refers to the generation of Americans who came of age during the Depression and WW2. You’re referring to THEIR kids, the “Baby Boomers”. All these terms are subjective anyway, but what I’d say is that protesting the Vietnam War is a bit different from and a bit more serious than protesting against TSC. I don’t need a lecture from you or anyone else on what I “ought” to do. I do everything I can for my family and myself and thats where my responsibility ends. You want to save the world? Go right ahead, but don’t try to lay a guilt trip on me about it because you know nothing about me or anyone else on here. You don’t know where any of us have been or what anyone else on here has been through.
i might be missing something but my local TSC had those brooders to the side, but still had their chicks in the traditional "grab-bin" type brooder. It seemed like it was harder to look at the chicks in the new brooders???? While i don't like little kids terrorizing the chicks, i also love going and seeing the new chicks when we go get feed. I just feel like maybe the brooders need to be tweaked, but i'm sure they're getting tons of complaints on their own.
The “Greatest Generation” usually refers to the generation of Americans who came of age during the Depression and WW2. You’re referring to THEIR kids, the “Baby Boomers”. All these terms are subjective anyway, but what I’d say is that protesting the Vietnam War is a bit different from and a bit more serious than protesting against TSC. I don’t need a lecture from you or anyone else on what I “ought” to do. I do everything I can for my family and myself and thats where my responsibility ends. You want to save the world? Go right ahead, but don’t try to lay a guilt trip on me about it because you know nothing about me or anyone else on here. You don’t know where any of us have been or what anyone else on here has been through.
I wasnt trying to "lay a guilt trip" on you. I was making a statement that being lumped into a generation is wrong because at one point in another in our lives we believed that Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny were real. We were young, dumb and doe eyed regardless of how old you are now. And we had hope and our elders had hope that we could make a difference in the world. You're right I have no idea where youve been or your life story. I'm sure youve had many great experiences and some tragic. I look forward to a day in which you decide to share them so I can learn more about you and extend my hand in friendship. But this particular thread I'm only asking support for what I believe to be a good cause so I prefer we be young, dumb and doe eyed here. I know its hard to tell ones tone when youre just reading it but I sincerely hope this is not misconstrued into anything other than a friendly gesture of understanding and friendship.❤
i might be missing something but my local TSC had those brooders to the side, but still had their chicks in the traditional "grab-bin" type brooder. It seemed like it was harder to look at the chicks in the new brooders???? While i don't like little kids terrorizing the chicks, i also love going and seeing the new chicks when we go get feed. I just feel like maybe the brooders need to be tweaked, but i'm sure they're getting tons of complaints on their own.
Maybe they recognized that they're having problems and did the right thing. Good for them! 👍
TSC has installed new brooders this year that are severely abusive to the chicks. There have been several complaints on their facebook page and at their corporate level. Chicks are dying at a much higher rate due to these tower brooders. Please sign this petition to have TSC go back to doing what is best for the birds!

Thank you. Feel free to post anything you have seen regarding these bad brooder set ups. We went to Rural King yesterday and they still had open air brooders so this is just TSC handing over a project to an engineer to make the ideal brooder.
Mines haven't had the problems with their new tower brooders like others have, had.

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