&%$# Please tell me I can still trim a wing, my teenage muscovies?

D'Angelo N Va. :

Well perfect example today a customer of mine came into the bank where I work and said D'Angelo 2 ducks literally flew across the road and I slammed on brakes to avoid hitting it. Well I am off tomorrow so ill take care of those that I couldn't catch or lure into the aviary.

Were these your ducks? thank goodness they didn't hit them. wow​
I've got two out of 4 of my "flyers" taken care of... We can't find our net... Our original mom's don't fly, they can just don't want to. These are the first batch of babies to fly...
Thanks for posting.... I have just gotten into ducks and today was the first day they got the wandering bug. I am now going to be building a duck run for fall/winter. Then in spring a big fenced in farm yard I guess.
All my female Muscovys fly and I love it! But then again, I live way up in the country and there are no highways by me. Your guineas didn't teach them to fly, they learn to fly all on their own. The males can fly for a short time until they get too fat but the females stay trim enough to fly. And fly they do!! They zip and zoom all over my property. Fortunately for me and for them, they've gotten used to going into their pen at night and they don't roost on our house at night.

That's where our peacock roosts though! LOL!! Our guineas roost in the trees until it gets too cold out then they finally drag their butts onto our back porch.

Good luck!


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