Please tell me this is not a mister...Updated with xtra pics 4 replies

Hen..and she should be searching for a nest real soon.

With all the voters on page 4 thumbing up for hen, I'm sooooo happy right now. Thank you all so much. Shoooooo, I feel much better! Thanks everyone, I'm pretty confident she's a hen.
I say hen too. My roo started getting long greenish feathers in his tail when he was young. BUT my roo is 19 weeks and I have not herd him crow..I know he's a roo though. I have some girls that have red faces and big gobbles like that...anyways hen!
Ahhh. Just seems this week that whole face has brightened and the comb has doubled. No nesting issues yet or squatting so far. Thanks for another "hen" vote. I can sleep tonight for sure.
Definitely a hen you have there. At this point, if it was a rooster he would probably be crowing already. Also, the comb would be MUCH larger and the bird would already have a somewhat pointed tail. Some hens just develop more quickly than others, but you can always tell by the look in the eye and the bird's stance/legs. After raising birds for several years, it gets easier and easier!
Thanks for the positive reinforcement chilisweet and chickerdoodle. I'm absolutely confident this is a hen now. Can't wait to post a pic of her first ova.
Thanks again everyone!

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