PLESE HELP!!!! Chickens beak got bit off

I had a hen that her top beak was cut way to short at the hatchery, her bottom beak very long. She didn't scoop her food with her bottom beak, she tilted her head basically upside down and eat.

@tmlpike Definitely need a deep dish with crumble feed. As its been suggested moistening up her feed with water for now, she will learn how to eat and drink. You can get poultry nipples from really cheap. She will learn to drink from them. Jiggling the nipple and she will see the water dripping and get curious. She is looking much better. Another food to try to entice her to eat is Sardines. They love sardines. Get the Sardines in water only. Heres the link for the nipples at amazon. Free shipping too.

Very good information, thank you for sharing your experience!!
Do you think she could eat cubed watermelon? That would get fluids in her.

You're doing a great job....she's so lucky to have you!
Update: Fuzzy Bum seems to be much more lively. She looks forward to every morning when I hand feed her 2 scrambled eggs. She still won't drink water. I put some v8 juice on her tounge and she seemed to like it, but wouldn't drink it by herself. Thank you all so much for the food and drink ideas. I asked my mom to pick up some food from the grocery store. She was a bit disappointed when she found out after she bought it, that it was for Fuzzy Bum. Oh well, haha, Fuzzy Bum deserves the best, even if it's eating human food :p we are still tube feeding her every night, but I don't know how much longer we can continue to do it for. Fuzzy bum will not keep her beak open like she used to. @pwand thank you so much for sending the link. We ordered the poultry nipples, however it said that it could take as long as March to arrive :( thank you all so so so much for being with us every step of the way. It helps so much! God bless! Love: Heidi and Fuzzy Bum
Great job on saving her!!! She looks so much better. For water you can also try using a small animal water bottle,like you would use for a guinea pig.
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awwww! she looks so great! what a sweetheart on your lap :) i can't stand it. keep it up and keep trying things - you never know what works for her. she definitely looks better and i hope it's getting a little easier for you all. i'm sure this has been such a stress, but you both have pulled out of it and learned a lot. i think you've made a new best friend for life.... it sounds funny, but chickens can be quite affectionate and certainly are not shy about showing their appreciation - at least when it comes to food!
if she really wants corn what about some polenta that you could water down and mix other stuff into?

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