PLESE HELP!!!! Chickens beak got bit off

That is so good to hear!!
Fuzzy Bum looks very active and alert!!
What happened to her "fuzzy bum"? I looks a little unfuzzy in the top picture. You have a Bestie for life.

Ahhh! That's so great! Love those pics! What a darling. Love the tenacity and character. And love that you see it. So awesome you both have your thing going. What adorable pictures. Love it!!!!!
Fuzzy Bum is doing so good
she still can't eat it drink in her own, but the scrambled egg and sardines I'm feeding her has been giving her more energy. This morning, while she was in the basement, I was cooking her scrambled egg upstairs in the kitchen. Apparently I wasn't cooking it fast enough, because she started flying up the stairs. She then walked into the kitchen and looked up at me as if saying "what is taking you so long? I'm hungry!!" She is such a cutie
that puffy pocket on the side of her beak is looking much better. Fuzzy Bum is doing much better
thanks everyone!! <3.

It's nice to know Fuzzy Bun is doing so much better now and can get around
PICTURES! Fuzzy Bum is doing good :) She is such a happy girl and is top of the pecking order in her chicken house. I love her so much, and I know that my parents do too. She talks to me all the time :) I thought that you would all enjoy some pictures of her :)

Fuzzy Bum looking at all of the snow :)

Fuzzy Bum climbing the stairs to get her eggs for breakfast :)

Fuzzy Bum eating her eggs :)

She is so precious! It is so wonderful to see her looking so happy. My husband, daughter and I have been following all of Fuzzy Bum's updates- I know my daughter especially will be thrilled to see the pictures of Fuzzy Bum and hear how great she is doing! She said she wants to print out a pic of Fuzzy Bum and hang it up for our girls! LOL!
this is so great - she looks so full of life and excited about her eggs here. i love it!! you have done a magnificent job wtih her. i love that she just sits on your lap like that and downs her breakfast. what a sweet little pet you have. the other chickens have kept her on the top of the pecking order? fascinating! she knows how to rule the roost. it's a really good idea to get her back out there during the day with her friends. she'll lead a normal happy (spoiled) life :) LOVE to see her so happy.

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