Plymouth Rock thread!

Thanks everyone,

Most of the dark ones come running to me already and are trying to bond, I'm keeping them for eggs so this is good! One of the light ones has also trying to bond so he will be one of the lucky ones he is the biggest one in the flock! There seems to be about 20 to 25 girls in the flock.

The roos except one or two will be going into the freezer!

Want to let one of my hens raise her own chicks next spring!

again thanks,
Jeremy, that will be fun doing some broody hatching next year! I've never done it, and I don't know if I ever will. Seems like it would be VERY nerve wracking for me.

I'm excited - my friend who is hatching some silver penciled rocks for me just e-mailed to let me know one pipped early this a.m. & it is now zipping! I'm uber excited about this hatch, these eggs are a completely different bloodline that what I currently have! I'll post pics when they are hatched! Please send hatching vibes!
Thanks all!
I think it was wishful thinking...
Thanks, Kelly! I'm going to be on pins & needles watching these guys grow...they are from Dick Horstman, and I tried asking for pics, but never received any, of his adult stock. So, I've no idea what they will be like. Worst case, if they're not great, I can always sell them, but I'm HOPING they are very nice & will complement my current stock!
So Wynette how did your hatch go? I just set 13 from ugly ducky and i can't wait either I only hatched 2 from the first set so if I like these better than my Partridge Rocks I'll be getting rid of those the ones I have are pretty but flighty and not as big as I had hoped at 18 weeks they still don't come close to my Dellies....I want big rocks
Hello. I don't have a barred rock, but I really want one. Could anyone sell me a bantam barred rock hatching egg? I only want ONE, could you ship it to me?
Since hatchability is not 100%, nor are they sexed in the egg (so its a 50-50 chance of getting a pullet) you may wish to get a few extra eggs. It's also a good idea to have more than 1 chick growing up together for company--even if they hatch under a broody hen. Perhaps someone else will want one if more than one hatches anyway.
I'm new to keeping chickens, and I just got a mixed flock of barred plymouth rocks, black australorps, and cochins, all standards. The barred rocks are the sweetest and most outgoing and friendly of them all so far! My 7 yr old calls them zebra chickens. I didn't know they would be so sweet! A lot of people told me the cochins would be the nicest, but so far it's the little stripy girls. So glad I got them!
Today was the day my Partridge Rocks are 18 weeks old and the worst little Roo has been picking on all of them so bad that the good Roo has no tail left
So I now have a bachelor pad as I've been choosing the Roos I want to keep for several weeks. I left 2 one still has a tail
I'll try and get some pictures again but they are both shy guys but they should be happy as they will end up with plenty of women 6 right now but I have 12 more that are 8 weeks....I like the second bunch better they are not as flighty maybe because they hang out with the Dellies

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