Plymouth Rock thread!

I was curious about that, he was slow to crow, and the hens r 6 months older than him, had no intention on breeding them but they were gorgeous, hoping they will be good enough layers to be meat and eggs, oh yeh and breeders. So I got a Rooster to match and for the longest time he was scared of the hens. LOL, a roo scared of the hens go figured, he is doing his job very well now, has gorgeous leg color they just seem a little weak. Also do I need to make them a roost closer to the ground, they roost on the feed barrel instead of the roost?
They are columbian rocks 4h girl. Yard full o' rocks has them. Im allowed to get another color now so hopefully he has some available soon.
My Columbian Rock hen is well over a year old and yet to lay her first egg. I hope you have better success than I had with them!
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My Columbian Rock hen is well over a year old and yet to lay her first egg. I hope you have better success than I had with them!

I have had that happen with a few breeds of chickens. I had an EE that didn't lay for almost a year. I have some GNH that didn't lay till they were over a year and still don't lay well. Just the luck of the draw sometimes. It can also be the time of year when they come into lay. That was the main thing with my EE and GNH... just came into lay too late in the year and I had to wait till spring to get eggs.

Are you SURE she is not laying? They are good at hiding eggs. Are you sure she is a she?
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Dear DMRippey,
Yes, i am positive she is not laying! Her and a White Rock Rooster are in a 10' x 10' pen with a cover over it. There has never been an egg in the pen. My other White Rocks are kept in a similar pen, I have checked at various times of the day for eggs, NO EGG from my Columbian hen. She was hatched Easter of 2012 and when my other birds were laying she was not, and has not laid an egg. Do you have any suggestions of how to get her to lay? I feed her Nutrena 16% lay mash, augment that with soaked whole oats and calf manna daily.
In the grand scheme of things I have not spent a fortune on this hen, but it is frustrating to not even get one egg!
Randy Bullard
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My Silver Penciled Plymouth Rock chicks at 4 weeks old.




My best mothers day gift this year was the getting the green light on more eggs. Yay! Now i have to decide if i want columbian or buff. And get the coop done so i can move my babies and make room for more.

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