
You're sweet to ask! I DO need someone sitting on me when I'm under orders.


After I went in and they dilated me to the size you all could see my retinas when I was across the room (with a naked eye, at that!) the doctor told me that for the second time int 3 months, I had an adhesion, but no perforation. This meant there was no tear, no hole, nothing to fix. I was told to go home and try not to get hit in the eye or bump my head too hard. I AM allowed to read!

So, I guess I'm good to go! I wish Katy was closer so I could lend a hand- I know she's gotta be coming out of her skin wanting to get stuff done before Winter hits.

I can lift her eyeballs up in prayer, though! So, that's what I'll do.
You're sweet to ask! I DO need someone sitting on me when I'm under orders.

After I went in and they dilated me to the size you all could see my retinas when I was across the room (with a naked eye, at that!) the doctor told me that for the second time int 3 months, I had an adhesion, but no perforation. This meant there was no tear, no hole, nothing to fix. I was told to go home and try not to get hit in the eye or bump my head too hard. I AM allowed to read!

So, I guess I'm good to go! I wish Katy was closer so I could lend a hand- I know she's gotta be coming out of her skin wanting to get stuff done before Winter hits.

I can lift her eyeballs up in prayer, though! So, that's what I'll do.

WHOA!!!! Renee, that is some kinda eyeball! Have you thought about renting yourself out for Halloween? Scare the bewhoozits out of some kiddos with only that showing! Cyclops strikes back....... The Mummy Runs Amok.......

Be careful, don't do anything to irritate it. No more of this stuff -
I'm back on the least partially. Not totally released yet, but getting there. My eye is doing much better. They've found two more very small tears that they have repaired and hopefully no more will happen. This has not been a fun experience for me at all. Sitting around doing nothing isn't something I do well at all. Thanks for all the well-wishes.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy!!!!! Katy's up and about!

I've been thinking about you lots, Lady!

I'm so sorry they found more tears- did you get the crazy laser treatment? That weird shot-glass sliding around on the eye thing is very hard to endure.

I hope your eye is sealed, slicked and in perfect order again- I know you're ready to get back to work.

We've missed you lots!
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy!!!!! Katy's up and about!

I've been thinking about you lots, Lady!

I'm so sorry they found more tears- did you get the crazy laser treatment? That weird shot-glass sliding around on the eye thing is very hard to endure.

I hope your eye is sealed, slicked and in perfect order again- I know you're ready to get back to work.

We've missed you lots!

I see we've got more than chickens in common! Glad you didn't have a tear....hope it doesn't turn into one.

They did a little bit of laser on my eye, but they mainly did cryopexy (basically freeze soldering my retina back down and using that to repair the tears. They did those procedures after they injected gas bubbles (pnematic retinopexy) into my eye to push my retina back in place. That procedure was the pits because you have to be laying down and keep your head in the most uncomfortable position to keep the gas bubbles over the retinal detachment for days. The dr I went to said he has better results with the cryopexy.
After tomorrow I can start working my way back into my normal work load.

The hubby has said I have to downsize my numbers so he's helping me catch and load some up for the poultry auction tomorrow evening. I'm sure what I think is a reasonable number and what he thinks I need to be selling will result in a rather tense afternoon. He is right tho....there is no way he's got the time to carry water from the utility room like I do to all my pens if this would happen again in the winter. Right now I've got about 10 breeding pens (not counting my ducks) and my ultimate goal is to get down to 5 pens. :-(
Ohhhh, Katy!!

You had better call me to let me know which auction you're going to and which birds you're taking!!! Or PM me!!

One man's loss is...well, you know the rest!

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