Pneumonia in Bantam Cochin - Tyaln 50 Dosage?


12 Years
Mar 10, 2011
Northeast Pennsylvania
I picked up some bantam Cochins yesterday and they had a long trip NY to the bottom of PA and them the bottom of PA back to near the top of PA again. I think the cockerel has pneumonia - sneezing and clear, odorless discharge. He was fine when I picked him up yesterday.

How much Tyaln 50 should I give him (shot in the breast muscle)? I haven't had to use the stuff in awhile. I sure hope it's still good... If it isn't, can I use penicillin? If so, how much of that?
hi use tylan dose is as follows; large bird 1/2 cc small bird 1/4 cc once daily for 5 days. tylan 50 should knock it. yes; give it in the breast muscle. just alcohol the area first that helps me to expose the skin of the breast. using the keel bone as your guide not too close to the keel nor too close to the wing . on the muscle. draw back the syringe if you see blood reposition. its easier than it sounds. I really like using the alcohol because it really helps in exposing the skin. when I first shot in the breast muscle I was surprised that the birds didn't even flinch. they didn't feel it. have a Buddy hold the bird keeping the wings down. that also helps. hope this helps you out and hope your bird improves really soon. in a few days you should notice a improvement with using the packs quite a punch against respiratory illness. good luck.

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